Super Heroes Don't Always Win

I Never Told You What I do For A Living

P.O.V Cause

I unsheathed the blade from its place on my ankle and stalked towards the lowlife in front of me. He had tried to kill a girl. Kill her! He was going to pay. The man's eye lids fluttered as I hit him with a wall of paralyzing fear. I smirked as I felt his mind trying to claw back some control, to no avail. I stood in front of the man and smiled evilly at my next victim. Kneeling down beside him I took the blade and cut open his shirt, exposing his rapidly rising and falling chest. I slowly sliced a square shape in his chest, where the heart is situated, cutting away the top layer of skin inside the shape, as if colour in. He started to bleed, not a lot, not enough to kill him. He was in too much pain, too scared to scream, which was probably a good thing. I started to slice down above the ribs on his right side, cutting right down to the bone. Then I started to carve an anarchy sign into his left side when I heard the familiar CRACK as the rest of the crew arrived.

"No!" Mind screamed just before I raised my bloody weapon and stabbed it down into the center of his throat. CRACK, I was gone, who knows what happened in that alley when I left. What I did know, however, was that creep was dead. Gone. Forever. I didn't care. In fact I grinned as I cleaned up, laughed at the blood on my hands.

I was an outcast. I always had been. Not the oldest, the strongest, the bravest but I was the sickest, the most twisted. Killing was easy, once you knew how to do it you never forgot like riding a bike, the hard part was holding back not going straight in for the kill, looking past the sheer anger and finding the want to cause pain. The force to not only take a life but to make a messy job of it and talking of mess I needed a new hoodie, this one was trashed with blood.

My name was ironic 'The Cause' I could cause pain, fear, anger, happiness the list goes on, but my favorite was to cause dependency. The thought that someone wanted me, needed me entertained me. Mind, Frank, was entertaining.
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Damn that's short.. like Frank :P xxxx maybe not as sexy as him though :( xx