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Don't Make Me Forget

Help me.

Ayden’s POV
I was in the living room of Clara’s house when I heard the knock. A knock that repeated itself. I growled and got up. I looked through the peek hole and noticed no one. I sighed and went into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and took out green apples. I cut them up and went back into the living room. Once there I plopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. I clicked through the channels and I smiled. I stopped at cartoon network. As I saw the cartoons another knock was on the door. This time louder and quicker. I went to the door and looked through the hole again. There I froze. He couldn’t be alive. He was supposed to be dead. No god no. He died when I was a kid. I quickly started to scream and walked up the stairs. I went into my bedroom and hid under the bed. I lay there on my back and didn’t bother doing anything else. I heard banging on the door now. I breathed silently and that’s when I heard it. Screamed and crashing sounds. “What are you doing! Get out of my house” I heard Clara scream. Another crash. “Where is she? Huh? Where is she?” the man yelled. “I don’t know who you’re talking about! I don’t have anyone in my house anymore, a girl died a few years back in my house okay? Now get out” Clara cried. that’s when I heard the scream of pain. It lasted for a few minutes. I massaged my stomach to put down my fears. Was Clara dead? She can’t be dead? She had to live and help me. I was five months pregnant. I had to save the baby. I heard more slams and then it all went silent. I sighed silently and slipped from under the bed. I walked toward the window and opened it. I slipped out onto the balcony and noticed the stairs going down. Clara. I went down the stairs and started to run. I didn’t care where my legs took me. I needed to leave far from here. I saw downtown and I started to scream. A few lights turned on and then I heard doors opening. I quickly saw Mr. Rodriguez standing in front of his shop with a bat in his hand. “Ayden. Estas bien?” he muttered in Spanish. I shook my head and told him to give me his phone. As I dialed 911 I noticed Mr. Rodriguez had set out sweet bread and milk chocolate. I smiled and heard someone on the other end. “yes how may we help you?” said the woman. I sighed and I answered. “There was a man that died back a few years ago. I’m now 17 and he’s my father. His name is Winston Jones. He was supposed to be dead. I am living with Clara when he attacked. I don’t know if she is dead or alive. I ran out of the house through my window” I sobbed. The woman asked me for an address and I told her. “we’ll dispatching five police cars” she said. I felt relief but my heart went out to Clara. Was she dead or alive? Please let her be alive and saved. I prayed and kept my hands on my stomach.
Liam’s POV
Anna Lise had Miranda beside her as they ate in silence. Rachel had gone out earlier that day and didn’t even bother telling them where she had gone. I stabbed my food angrily. Mother noticed and sighed. My father was eating away. Miranda was eating. Her feet swinging. Anna Lise glared at me and I soon pushed the plate away. The carrots tumbling out of the plate. I grumbled and quickly left the dining room. I stood there thinking things. I went upstairs and once I entered my room I felt sadness over wash me. Ayden’s bed and things were still there. Were we had lain together. Our child. Was she okay? Tons of things went through my head. I smiled and touched the bed. Our baby was inside of Ayden. I started to laugh and then I heard voices coming from downstairs. As I reached the bottom I froze. “Winston?” I whispered. He looked up and the smiled. Blood covered his hands. His white shirt splattered with it. “hello Liam. Do you know where I can find Rachel?” he said. His voice scary and wicked. I shook my head. Miranda. Where was she? I looked over to my parents who had Miranda between them. “Who is she?” Winston said. I looked towards Miranda. “she’s my little sister” I said. Winston nodded and smiled. I looked up to my mother. Her and Miranda looked exactly alike only that Miranda was different in color. I sighed and heard the front door turn. Rachel walked into the house with tons of bags. “Rachel. Did you miss me?” Winston smirked. Rachel froze and stared at him. “Winston?” she cried. She dropped the bags and started to run towards him. Once in front of him she slapped him. He soon grabbed Rachel’s hair and pulled on it. “what the fuck you little bitch? You think this is a damn game” he hissed. The old happy Winston was there. But a cold and coldhearted Winston. I growled and launched myself at him. Rachel was pulled along side with us. Winston held his grip on Rachel’s wrist. Miranda started to cry. Anna Lise was tugging her upstairs. Mother and Father were trying to pull Rachel away us. I threw a punch at Winston and it connected with his jaw. I smiled wickedly and grabbed his hair. “Why the fuck are you alive? Weren’t you dead” I hissed. Winston glared at me and spit at my face. That’s when I heard the doorbell. It rang and Mother finally went to go answer. Mother gasped and pulled the person into a hug. “Mrs. Sinclair? Do you know where I can find Liam?” I heard someone say. Ayden. Ayden was here. She was looking for me. I heard Winston start to mutter a few things. “He’s here Ayden but I don’t know if you’ll like what he’s doing” mother said. I heard her answer saying it was fine. Mother let Ayden through and she froze. “Ayden! Help me! Tell him to get off of me” Winston screamed. Ayden laughed. A laugh that felt evil and horribly scary. “Help a sociopath? I would rather have you gone before my eyes. You killed my friend Clara” she screamed. Winston froze and smiled wickedly. “She deserved to die” he said. Ayden’s hands went to her swollen stomach and they stayed there. Winston stared at the round stomach and growled. “Who the fuck is the father Ayden? So I can kill him” Winston hissed. Ayden laughed again. “He’s holding you down. And you can’t hurt him cause I love him very much” Ayden said as she smiled. I felt Winston start to twitch. I leaned down and patted his back. He growled and head butted me. I felt my grasp fell from him. I quickly saw him holding Ayden. A knife pressed against her neck. I froze. Ayden. My Ayden.
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Yea. Ayden's dad never died. horrible right!! hahaha! MWUAHAHAHA! jkjk, nah im okay. i just had to bring his back from him back from the death people believed to be. Grrr i hated to bring him back, but i had to. he killed CLARA!!>:D not. that i really care. she was in the way of Ayden's father anyway. HE WANTS AYDEN so i don't know. COMMENT! SUBSCRIBE! RECOMMEND! XDD PLEASEEE IM SO LONELY Q_Q