Love in All the Wrong Places

3rd Grade Love Story

Third Grade

Sammy was sitting on the floor in the class room when she first spotted Jason. He was sitting on the carpet playing games with other boys and wasn't paying her any attention. She was looking him over and realized that he was pretty cute looking and that she was going to talk with him.
She got up, fixed her dress and walked over to where Jason and the boys were playing. Just as she reached them, Jason looked up and smiled at her. She really, really liked his smile. It was so shiny and white! She giggled and stuck out her hand to him and said, "Hi, I'm Sammy."
He took hold of her hand and shook it and smiled back up at her. "Hi, I'm Jason. Want to play cars with us?"
She smiled down at him, and sat down as Jason handed her a car. For as long as Sammy can remember, they have been friends ever since.
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so this is just to introduce how Sammy fell for Jason