Sequel: Released into the Air
Status: Finished

Submerged in Water


"Okay, I want you to close your eyes and relax." Jonathan spoke.

We were out by the cove again, except this time, there was so many people here that we could've called it a beach party. Aubrey and Scott sat on the rocks while Rune and Robyn remained at the top of the cave far away but still close enough to hear as Jonathan ran me through the instructions on how to unlock my 'inner demons' as they called it.

"Relax is not in my vocabulary, but I will try." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"This is a simple training technique used to help people clear their mind and find that place inside them where there is no pain, thoughts or emotions, commonly used to find nirvana or peace. It might take a while to develop but once it's there, it won't go away and it will aid you for the rest of your life."

"Sounds promising."

"Don't speak." He ordered.


Jonathan sighed. Aubrey giggled.

"You are entering an elevator. This elevator can only go down. It has twenty-two floors and for every floor, you will feel the elevator take you further. Deeper. Until you are at the bottom floor. Once you are there. The door will open and you will find the door you need to take to go down further. The stairwell has twenty-two steps and you count them as you go down until you reach a room with twenty-two different doors. You are searching for your room. You know what door it is. Do not think about it, simply head to it and open the door."

I was following him and his gentle guiding voice. Everytime I sunk further, I seemed to sink further into myself. This wasn't new territory though, I had been here before. A panic switch went off but I pushed forward. I sunk deeper until I exited the elevator and found the stairwell. I took the stairs, taking a deep breath for every step forward, counting the twenty-two steps until I reached the twenty-two doors in the circular room that I had created.

I began to feel light and airy. My body started to heat up and I felt tingly. I heard the sounds of ice crackling behind me and figured I must have frozen the river again.

"Keep going." Jonathan urged me, his voice was low, soothing and steady.

My breaths kept my footsteps in beat. I walked towards my door and opened it, revealing a crowd of people before me. They were all staring at me, waiting for me to say something. I was on a stage and there was a microphone before me. I looked around and saw windows that weren't filled with sky but with water. I realized I was somewhere underwater.

There had to be a few thousand people staring at me, but it wasn't the the amount that scared me, it was what they looked like. They all had the same black hair, blue eye combination that I did. I had never seen anyone with such unique characteristics as mine in such a large amount. I knew then that they had to be Kamille.

"I don't know why I'm here." I spoke into the microphone.

"Queen Inna?" Someone shouted from the audience. "Is that you?"

"No... No, my name is Emele. I'm not Inna."

Whispers went through the crowd, sparking people to question and raise accusations that I couldn't hear since they were all shouting at once. I became overwhelmed, wishing that I hadn't come to this place. I turned around to go away but I found that the door was gone.

I screamed and the world around me went black.

When I woke. I found myself laying on a cool surface. I opened my eyes and saw bushes around me, when I looked closer, I realized they were actually the top of the trees and I was in the sky.

Freaking out, I looked down at the surface I was resting on and then leaned over the edge to see where it had come from.

Somehow, I had shot myself a hundred feet or so in the air using a long spout-like strip of water and then I had managed to freeze it over. Creating a frozen platform in the sky.

"Emele!" I heard Rune shout and then the flapping of wings as he landed behind me.

I turned to him and whispered, "what did I do?" I was almost too scared for the answer.

"You started screaming and then you seemed to calm down for a second before your mouth opened up like one of those cones they put around dogs after they get stitches and these noises came out, like you were being possessed or something."

I stood up, my knees weak and wobbly. Rune noticed and he let me fall into his arms. His arms came around to shield me and then his wings. "It's okay." He told me.

"What noises?" I had to know.

"Just... horrible things. You don't want to know. It sounded like people were dying, Emele. It wasn't good."

I shuddered just at the mental image it created. "Why?"

"I don't know, but I bet you Jonathan has some clues. Maybe we should go down." He said. "This tower kind of sticks out, do you think you can fix it?"

I looked down at the ice platform I had created and then nodded. He released me and flew down to everyone gathered below my platform. I couldn't see them that well since I was still high up.

My power to control my ice abilities was on the frits and I was bad at focusing on the part of myself that 'housed' the capability to do so but I managed to unfreeze the platform and once it was done, the water fell back into the river.

Aubrey ran over and threw her arms around me. It looked like everyone wanted to stop her but when I threw my arms around her too, they seemed better. "You scared me." She breathed against my ear.

"I'm so sorry."

"Don't be sorry, you couldn't help it. Suddenly, everything was fine and Jonathan said he was starting to see things clearly around you and then you went into psycho-screaming mode, the voices came out like a projector, it was like we were hearing a mass homicide and then-"

"Wait." Rune stopped her. "Say that again."

She was confused. "What the projector part? Where we were hearing things that were happening over a telephone or something?"

"No, you said, a mass homicide." He corrected her. His breath hitched and he turned to Jonathan. "I know what we heard."
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Hey all :) Thanks for the lovely comments you gave me. Yes you can all thank my boyfriend for guilting me into posting a chapter. I'll post up another one tonight too! Thanks all!