Sequel: Released into the Air
Status: Finished

Submerged in Water


"Wait, wait, let me get this straight." I couldn't believe it. "You're telling me, that somehow, I have the souls of a few thousand dead Kamille trapped inside of me? And that's why I am more powerful with my abilities than normal, because I can use their dead demonic energy?"

"That's just sick." Scott's faced scrunched up in disgust. "Against nature."

"Well that explains the voices." I added dryly.

We were all gathered in a circle near the river now. Aubrey hung onto me still, but she also had a free hand that she used to grab Scott's. Robyn and Rune stood close together, wings still out from their sides but they brought them closer into their body now to compensate for the lack of room around them. Jonathan was on the other side of where Aubrey clung on to me. He wasn't scared like the rest of them.

His eyes told me he was calculating everything in his head.

"Well to begin." He racked his hand through his hair, dishevelling it. "It's probably a good idea to avoid things that bring the dead Kamille out. From the looks of it, it seems like they don't like inner-sub conscience exploration."

"They came out another time too, less drastic though." I thought I should tell them. "The first time I fought Rune. I could control it better then. There was another element in the mix that allowed me the control."

"Do you know what that element is?" He asked. "It's important."

I bit my lip, I didn't want to be wrong. "Well I'm not really sure, but I think it had to do with my anger. At the time, I got really mad and frustrated, but I scared Rune so I never let myself go that far again..." My cheeks started going red, for whatever reason, at my confession.

We were all silent for a minute. It wasn't an awkward silence but one of deep mental thought. They all had their eyes on the floor, wondering what could have possibly caused this.

"Let's just go through what we already know or assume." Robyn spoke first.

"Good idea." Jonathan agreed. "We know that Queen Inna is alive and is supposedly looking for her child that we can only guess is Emele."

"We know that Queen Inna was thought to be dead during the genocide of the Kamille but since most of the organizations that control these things did a good job of covering up the actual story, we don't really know for sure what went down on the day of the genocide." Scott added on.

"If my calculations are correct." Robyn 'hmpfed' at that. "And they usually are. Then when the genocide happened, all the souls that died that day somehow got transferred to Emele."

"But she wasn't even born then." Rune purely stated that fact.

Jonathan took a deep breath to steady himself and then broke it to all of us. "She was probably in... Inna then. She was still a fetus."

More silence and then Scott spoke. "I think we need to know what really happened on the day of the genocide. Then we can have all the answers. From the looks of things, it seems that something went down on that day that didn't have anything to do with the war but something that was just between Queen Inna and her people."

"Diara can probably dig something up." Jonathan was already pulling out his cell phone. "If I give her enough information she'll know where to look."

"Your sister?" Scott asked. "Maybe... if she can talk to the right people."

Aubrey let go of Scott's hand. "Wait. You said that like she wasn't your sister." She looked between Jonathan and Scott. "Are you two really brothers?"

Jonathan shook his head and stared at his phone as he began dialling. "No, we're actually cousins, the brothers facade was a rouse to keep up profile and not look suspicious."

Aubrey snorted and rolled her eyes. "Figures."

"Sorry." Scott whispered in her ear, close enough for me to hear.

"It's okay." She whispered back.

He smiled gently down at her. It was hard not to notice the love between the two of them and for a second I was reverted back to a time where I envied over their relationship, but this time, I didn't wish to take Aubrey's place. This time, I just wanted something close to what the two of them shared with someone special of my own.

I looked at Rune and he was watching me as well. We both looked away from each other, blushing. I licked my lips to begin speaking.

"So the reason you two," I pointed at Scott and Jonathan. "Can't use your skin-to-skin contact abilities on me is because you're not just reading me but all the dead Kamille trapped inside of me as well?"

"I can only assume that would be it." Scott said. "Even if we tried to focus in on yours, it would be difficult because we don't have practice with it. It's not like we sort through thousands of souls at a time for fun on our off days when we aren't keeping the World safe."

"Har har." I mockingly chuckled.

He gave me a weak smile. "Sorry Emele but don't worry, my sense isn't that good and Jonathan's probably wouldn't help with the situation we're in."

"Oh yeah." I wanted to know. "What is your... um... sense?" If that was what they called it.

Scott laughed at my awkwardness. "I can know a person's greatest fear."

I turned to look at Jonathan, but he had already broken the circle and was wandering outside the forest lines with his cellphone in hand. It seemed like he was having a heated argument about something.

"Jonathan can tell you your true love." He shrugged. "I use the term true love very loosely though but that's the best way to explain it. The ability doesn't seem to tell him what the relationship status will be but instead what living being on Earth has your greatest connection. It has to do with past lives and what your destiny is for your time on Earth."

"So in other words, he can tell you your greatest match. Like who you're connected to?"

"Simply yes, but it's a lot more complicated. Jonathan has found people who match up but aren't even married. Sometimes they're just good friends, business partners that work well together. It doesn't need to happen between a man and a women, but can happen between any two people, as long as there is a soul in either of them. It doesn't necessarily mean you're destined to love them, but it helps."

I looked down at my hand, knowing that Jonathan had already touched it, I wondered if had picked out any face he recognized with the thousand of faces that he had touched from me.

"So like a soul mate?" I whispered.

"Yup." Scott had a grin on. "Too bad we can't sense you. Our sense kind of sucks, but if we pulled some strings, we can get you to see other Enders with a different sense." He shrugged. "Probably for the best, I would think. Fate is telling us that we aren't meant to bring any others into this shit storm."

Just as he finished his sentence, Jonathan melded back into the circle. "Shit storm definitely covers it." He agreed and went on. "Diara says she's going to look into it. I told her most of the story, the important bits anyway and she seemed pretty dedicated to the cause."

"So what do we do until then? You know, until she gets back to us with what she can find?" Rune asked him.

Jonathan shrugged. He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out what looked to be a bottle of whisky and started to unscrew the top. "I don't know, I was going to drink some Jack Daniels and call some girls."

Robyn rolled her eyes in disgust. Deciding she had enough of this, she flew away from the circle and broke into the forest. I secretly knew she didn't exactly like adding Jonathan, Scott and Aubrey to the group, but I couldn't exactly appease everyone here.

Rune seemed only slightly more impressed than Robyn was and went over to collect his things by the rocks to leave. Scott and Aubrey were already walking off, I heard them talking about Scott's part in all this.

Jonathan was already sitting crossed-legged on the sand, staring out at the flowing river. He took another swig of the alcohol and then looked down at his lap.

What exactly had caused Jonathan to be this person?