Sequel: Released into the Air
Status: Finished

Submerged in Water


The next few days seemed to blur together.

I never saw Rune outside near the clearing again and he never talked to me at school so I assumed he didn't want to be anywhere near me. Layla didn't mention anything either, it was like everyone had forgotten about the encounter except for me.

The sun would be up in about an hour and I wanted to get my swimming time in. The past few nights, I had been so preoccupied with Rune following me or seeing me that I hadn't been out to swim at all. My abilities felt built up and restless.

I ran past the clearing, not caring if I was seen this time like I usually was so mindful about. I was eager enough that I ripped my clothes off in time with my footsteps. I dove in immediate and rejoiced at the feel of the water.

The feelings were stronger this time. I felt like I could feel every molecule of water around me. It was different and yet I loved it.

I swam longer because it was easier for me to swim upstream. I ended up at small cove about two miles up the river where I dragged my body up onto the rocks to rest. My chest was pounding from the swim and I could feel the sun just barely hitting my skin from beyond the trees. It wouldn't take as long swimming back, so I didn't mind that I needed to be back before everyone was up.

The sound of the water hitting the rocks always seemed to soothe me into a trance that made me forget everything else. This time, the trance led me deeper until it felt like my soul was dissipating into the water around me. The feeling reminded me of chemistry, where salt and sugar were blended with water to see if they would disappear. I was the salt, in this case.

Sinking my feet back into the river and preparing myself for the swim back, I heard the crouching sound of footsteps from the cave above me. I turned around quickly to find out the source of the noise. It sounded like someone sliding on a piece of rock. I fell back into the water just in time to conceal myself.

I heard them before I saw them.

"You didn't follow her today?"

"She hasn't done anything." It was Rune. "She's just been going on her walk like she told me. I don't think she's one of them."

"You said her eyes were..."

"Maybe it was just the light or something, besides, if she was, how could she stay away from the water? They're made to live in the ocean I thought."

"They can adapt, although rather harshly I believe." The man laughed. "I wouldn't worry about it anyway, the chances of any being alive, not to mention any of them being around here is slim to none."

"So I should just drop it then?"

I could see them exiting the small cave that was around the cove. They were walking together, Rune was carrying a bow slung on his back and a quiver of arrows.

"Yeah I wouldn't worry about it. You said her sister was normal-looking and I've checked into their family. She's been with them since she was half a year old, apparently she was found in the forest near the river."

I gasped. I didn't know that's where I was found. I always knew I was adopted, but I thought it was a normal legit adoption process. I was done just like every other adoption case was.

"Jesus style or?"

"She was wrapped in a blanket or something, at least that's what it says in the report. A lot of babies get abandoned though, so it wasn't like it was rare case." The man shrugged. "Just... stay out of it, but if you find anything let me know."

"Okay." Rune agreed. "How'd I do today, by the way?"

"Good, you remind me of your father."

"What the way I shoot or?"

"Everything. He puts the same amount of soul into everything you do. Most people think training is about learning the movements and the motions, but all the training in the world won't prepare you for the same thing. You need to shoot every arrow as if your life is on the line if you miss."

Rune nodded. "I'm thinking about joining the archery club at school, I might be able to get some practice without using the air."

The man shrugged. "Go for it, I think it's a good idea."

Using the air? What did that mean? Was that some kind of archery lingo or did it sound as suspicious as it was? They had walked so far out of distance that I couldn't hear them anymore. I decided it was probably a good idea to swim back and quickly, just in case Rune was intending on looking for me like he had been the past couple of nights.

Collecting my pyjamas and wandering through the forest without them until I was worried enough I might get caught naked in the forest, I headed back to my house and slipped in through the window. I found my sister laying on my bed as if she was waiting for me to get back the entire time.

"Hey." I said, slightly breathless. I figured I must be getting fitter since I've been running and swimming so much. I closed the window behind me and shut the curtains.

"Hey." She said back. "Do you know why Rune was talking to me yesterday?"

I gasped. "He...?" I jumped on the bed beside her. "What did he tell you? Tell me everything."

"He just asked about you. He said you were strange and he wanted to see if he knew you from somewhere. He said you reminded him of an old friend." She shrugged, as if that information was pointless. "He also asked if you were single."

My eyes widened. "No... No way."

She nodded slowly. "Yeah but..." She sighed. "Well... Um... well, I know you're excited that a boy likes you and believe me I'm happy for you but I..."

"What is it?"

"I don't want to sound like the jealous bitchy sister or anything, but it just seemed like he asked about the single thing like it was an after thought. Like he wasn't really interested at all and only said it because he felt like he needed to explain why he was asking questions about you. I don't want to sound harsh though... I think you can get a guy... I mean..."

"Aubrey." I breathed. "It's okay, I believe you."

"You do?"

"Yeah, something isn't quite right with him." I explained. I wondered if I should tell her about what I heard today and decided against it. I didn't know how to explain it myself and I think I needed some more time to think about it.

"Oh." She nodded. "Good, I'm glad. I don't want you to get hurt or anything. Just make sure that he has good intentions."


She got up off the bed and exited my room. I stared after her a while and then plopped down on my bed and sighed. I started playing with my long black hair absent-mindedly while thinking about Rune and what he was talking about to that old man. I was confused about the entire encounter and I doubt thinking about it in bed would solve anything.

On top of Rune and the crisis that was happening around me. Two days later, I changed forever.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you all see where this is going? Hehehe. Water Bending!