Sequel: Released into the Air
Status: Finished

Submerged in Water


"Wait!" The woman said to me. "Please, please do a quick interview with me. One minute only. I swear."

I was already on Robyn's back and about to fly off. I looked down at her and gave her what I hoped to be an angry expression. "I really don't want to talk."

"Just tell me your story."

"My story?" I laughed. I couldn't help it. "Tell me yours first."

"My name is Shay Zeal. I run a blog that focuses on the supernatural, extraterrestrial or the unusual. And let me tell you girl... you pretty much fit into all of those categories."

"Well, Shay, I'd love to talk but I kind of have a town to save."

"...wha?" She was speechless.

Robyn and Rune took that as a que to go. Shay fumbled with her camera as she videotaped the entire take off. I looked down at her and wished that this wouldn't go on the internet but I knew it would.

I was screwed.

"That isn't good." Jonathan said as Rune came to fly beside us.

"I know." My voice was grave.

We flew down to the beach and landed. The tide was being pulled back in and the sand was wet where we had landed. I was close to the water and I placed my hand into the ocean, taking my own seismic reading of the approaching tsunami. I made a brief estimate.

"It should be here in half an hour." I told everyone.

"The animals are freaking out." Jonathan added to the equation. "They're all running. If we were smart, we'd do the same thing."

I ignored his warning and turned to Robyn and Rune. "Remember, you're our plan B. If things look dire then you need to come in, swoop us up and carry us out if I can't stop it. Got it?"

They both nodded.

"Okay good." I took a deep breath and turned to look at the ever expanding ocean before me. "Let's do this."

"We're going to go check and see if there are any more problems similar to the one we just went through." Robyn said. "We'll come back to check on you in a bit. Good luck."


Rune and Robyn took off into the air. I looked at Jonathan and suddenly felt anxious. I gripped my spear tighter and told myself that I could do this. A lot of lives depended on it.

"Miss princess!" I heard a woman's voice behind me.

I turned to see Shay Zeal running up to me, camera still in hand, filming me.

I opened my mouth in shock. "What the hell are you doing!?" I screamed at her. "A tsunami is coming! Go! Run!"

"I can't let an opprotunity like this go!" She squealed at me. "I need to catch this on tape."

"Oh god." Jonathan moaned and turned away.

"No. You need to go!" I pointed towards the wooden stairs that would lead her off the beach.

"Please, at least let me know what you are. An alien? Secret race of humans? Did you come here from some sort of water planet? What galaxy? Does it have a secret language? Is that what your face really looks like or did you put something on it? Is he your boyfriend?"

I raged and looked at the sky. "I can't answer all those questions." I told her. "I'm from Earth. This is just make up to hide my identity and... yes, he's my boyfriend. Now, will you go?"

She dropped her camera and looked at me. "What are you doing out here?"

"I need to stop the tsunami." I answered her. "I can't do that with you here, can you please... leave?" I tried to sound polite.

"How about I stand at the top of the stairs and record everything. If you're going to stop the tsunami then I have nothing to worry about anyway." She told me, excitement in her eyes.

She turned and ran with her high heels back over to the stairs. She sat down on them and pointed her camera at me.

Jonathan came up and sighed. "Being evil is so much easier when it comes to shutting down something like this."

"Just let her do what she wants." I decided to forget about it. "We need to focus on the task at hand."

He took a deep breath. "Okay, what do you want me to do?"

I walked over to where the water met the sand and stood there. He came up behind me. I stared out onto the ocean and knew that something was coming. The water was coming. I wondered how I could go about stopping the tsunami from hitting the shore. Under the effects of the power, I knew I would be fighting for control against the dead souls inside of me.

"Rest your hands on my shoulders and walk with me." I whispered.

My voice felt weak. I felt strong. It was a strange combination.

I closed my eyes.

There was always that deep dark part of me that I had never submitted to. It scared me. I knew with it, the power would come. There were other ways to use the power and believe me when I say that I could at times, but if I wanted full access. If I wanted it all and I wanted to control it all. I would need to face the demons that came with it.

"I believe in you." Jonathan leaned forward and whispered in my ear.

His voice became my anchor. I fell deeper into the depths. The power came forward. I wasn't in all the way, but the power was enough for me to start using it.

A path of frost shot out in front of me. I heard every crackle the ice made. I felt every break in it. The path reached out into the ocean for miles. I heard Jonathan's sharp intake of breath. It reminded me I was still human.

It seemed that the farther I sunk into it, the more empty I felt. It brought memories to me of what Jonathan had told me about his powers. He said that the more that he used them, the farther away from humanity he seemed to get. It was strange how I could apply that to my own life right now.

Subconciously, I reached my hand up to hold onto his that was still resting on my shoulders. I needed his strength.

"I need you to talk to me." My voice was a breath on the wind. "About anything."

His words reached into the depths with me. A light inside the tunnel of blackness. "After this, we are going to be heroes."

I started walking forward. I wasn't afraid. Whether that was because the power was cutting me off from my emotions or because of Jonathan's soothing words, I didn't really know. The peace and calm that I had once felt with Rune doubled and then tripled.

"We are going to see Aubrey and Scott."

I sunk deeper. More power came to my fingertips. The power let me reach out to the ocean around me. With each breath I took, I felt the water react to it.

"You are going to finish high school."

I let go of Jonathan's hand and let my arms raise to the sides of me. The water breathed with me. The demons were releasing, one by one. Assaulting all my senses. I stopped, feeling them taking control of my body. My vision clouded over and I panicked. I couldn't do this. They were too strong.

"I'm going to kiss you after this."

With his voice, the demons died. My senses flooded back and I could see again. The light was brighter. The power was still there. At this point, I was only in the proximity of it. I was watching it. In a way, it was beautiful. The souls that protected it were now at bay and they stayed away as long as Jonathan was with me.

I was still cut off from my emotions but one was prominent and that was the feeling of absolute joy.

"I see it." His voice was smooth. "It's rising."

I opened my eyes.

The tsunami was here.