Sequel: Cursed Twins
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Forever Cursed

A forbidden act.

What these two were about to do was something unforgettable. Something that could not be undone. Something that will taint life for eternity. Something that will take a tole on the generations that followed.

Something that would Forever be Cursed.

©twejacobbr 2013

Note: This is the prologue. The real story will come out as soon as I am done with this short story. It will all makes sense! I promise!

*There will only be one chapter with sexual content. This short story is meant to be romantic. Please enjoy!*
  1. The Spell
    But with happiness, comes consequences that these two knew they would have to face. But for now, the lovely wedded couple, would embrace each other and fill their hearts with love.
  2. The Forbidden Act
    "Charles, dear, I have never been more sure of absolutely anything in my life. Now I know, that I have no life unless your in it. Let me give you this. Let us have this moment, and many more."
  3. The Family
    Slowly, he lifted his eyes and met his wife's face. She quickly read his expression and knew.Knew that danger would soon come. Knew that their lives together were short. Knew that, they no longer had forever.
  4. The Goodbye
    They knew this day would come. They knew these actions had go be taken in order to keep the girls safe. They knew they had done everything out of love.But they hoped that the twins, would someday forgive them for what they had done.