Status: in progress

23 Dates With The Star Athlete

23 Dates With The Star Athlete

8:35 am.

Lindsey strolls down the hall with her friend Celia; walking to P.E. class. Now it’s not like the normal vision, it’s in very slow motion. He walks down the hall at the amazing height of six foot one, carrying a bag full of his baseball equipment over his right shoulder. He wore blue faded jeans and a white tee shirt with a black tee shirt over the top. A pair of black head phones around his neck. Lindsey’s mouth drops before punching Celia in the arm.

Lindsey groans as she watches him go. Celia moans in pain next to her. Lindsey watches his fade away at the top of the stairs.

“Oh my God!” She quietly yells as she approaches Jennie and Pa. They are waiting near the door, ready to go into the gym.

“What’s wrong with you?” Pa asked Celia.

“I saw Cameron!” Lindsey exclaimed, answering Pa’s question. Jennie catches on.

“She hit you?” Jennie asks Celia. Celia just nods as we make our way into the gym. Lindsey covers her mouth with her fist.

“I can’t believe I finally saw him! After so many days, and he looked so damn good!” She told her friends.

Amanda runs in holding a piece of paper over her head. The girls watch her run up to them.

“What?” Jennie asks. Amanda waves the paper in front of Lindsey’s face.

“Look! Read!” Lindsey reads the paper. Her eyes quickly widen. “I know!” Lindsey screams and clenches the paper hard.

“Oh my GOD!” Lindsey breathes heavily. “Oh my God, I think I’m going to die.” Jennie, Pa and Celia read the paper.

“Oh my God!” Jennie exclaims. Celia smiles and Pa looks over at Lindsey; shaking in unbelievableness.

“Oh my God, Look at her.” Lindsey straightens up.

“I’m going to enter this.” Her friends all groan. “And I’m going to win.” She nods.

“What if Valerie enters?” Jennie asks. Lindsey makes a disgusted face.

“Then I’ll kill the skanky bitch if she touches my man.” Her friends laugh. “I’m serious.”

“We know.” Amanda says.

“How are you going to do it?” Pa asks. “It says the contestants need to be settled in by two. We’re having the assembly at 2:30.”

“I’ll put it in at lunch.” They all smile. Lindsey is glowing. Jennie sees and pushes her.

“Go glow somewhere else.” She laughs.


Lindsey is in math class anticipating the assembly. Keyhanna comes to her side as her class prepares to leave. Ms. Thompson lines them up. Lindsey is holding her stomach.

“I think I’m going to be sick.” Keyhanna just rolls her eyes.

“Are you serious? Is it because you put your name into the drawing to win ’23 dates with Cameron’ contest?” Lindsey nods.

“Yeah and I’m beyond nervous.” Keyhanna turns her head.

“I bet Valerie isn’t.” Lindsey hits her arm. Keyhanna groans and rubs the spot that was hit.

“OW!” Lindsey just giggles.

“You shouldn’t have said that.”

Everyone is getting seated in the auditorium. Lindsey found Jennie. Celia and Pa were up in the front before they spotted Lindsey and Jennie and came to sit with them. Lindsey could see Cameron on the stage wearing his football jersey; even though it wasn’t football season anymore.
“Cameron looks so hot!” She says.
“We know.” They all say in unison. Lindsey laughs.
I’m nervous, like really nervous! If I don’t win I’ll kill the hoe that gets Cameron!” Jennie and Pa sigh. The P.O.W.E.R. principle came up on stage and announced the reason for the assembly. Apparently all the senior athletes wanted to do something like an auction but decided to do a drawing instead. And each girl got the amount of dates that was their jersey number.

After a few of the athletes had gone the P.O.W.E.R. principle came back up.

“We also had a vote of the top three ‘hottest’ athletes and this next gentleman got the number one spot. Give it up for Cameron!”

“Uhm, thanks for voting for me.” A couple of girls shout out his name. Lindsey glares in their direction. Cameron just chuckles at them. “Uhm thanks… My opinion of this ‘three hottie contest’ is not about being the hottest, it’s also about how you act and are on the inside. For the lucky lady that wins me today I just want you to know that I don’t expect a lot from you, and I’m hoping to enjoy our 23 days with you and just having the best time of my life.” Girls start to scream at Cameron’s sweet words. Lindsey just smiles up at the guy she has been crushing on for the past two years.

“Awe he’s so sweet! I hope I win.” Lindsey whispers to her friends. The P.O.W.E.R. principle hands Cameron the envelope. He takes it and smiles.

“And the lucky girl is...” He opens it as Lindsey holds her breath. He reads it… “It is…Lindsey L. from ACT!” Lindsey opens her mouth, not making a sound.

“Did that just happen…” She asks her friends, still staring at the stage. They all nod and push her up.

“Oh my God.” She says as she stands up and the spot light hits her. She sees Cameron walk down the stairs of the stage, walking toward her with a rose. She walks slowing toward him, her hands shaking. They meet in the middle. He hands her the rose and offers his hand. She accepts both and they make their way onto the stage to join the rest of the winners and athletes.


The bell rings telling the students they could leave. Cameron and Lindsey make their way off the stage now.

“So is it cool if I pick you up around five for our first date?” Cameron asks with his perfect smile.

“Sounds good.” Lindsey smiles hugely back, her heart still pounding from being in his presence. She gives him her address and they hug goodbye. Lindsey took in Cameron’s scent, he smelled like a typical hot guy; sexy.

Lindsey spotted her friends in the back of the auditorium. She quickly ran up to them.

“OH MY GOD!” She squealed. Her friends celebrated with her with genuine happiness.

“You are finally getting your chance with your dream guy!” Jennie told her.

“I have to go home and get ready! He’s gonna pick me up at five!” Lindsey said with excitement and terror in her voice.

“Don’t freak out, breathe and stay calm.” Pa told her. She nodded and smiled an excited smile at her friends.

“Alright I’ll see you guys tomorrow! I will be a changed woman!” She said before waving to her friends and rushing home.

5:00 pm.

Lindsey see Cameron pull up in front of her house and quickly walks out to the car.

“Do you like ice cream?” Cameron asks looking over at Lindsey as he pulls away from her house.

“Doesn’t everybody?” Cameron nods and chuckles.

“I guess you’re right.” He tells her. Lindsey looks out the window and smiles at the fact that she is in his car. She was a lot calmer than she expected to be. Cameron was very easy to be around.

Cameron drove the short distance to Baskin-Robbins. Lindsey hopped out of the explorer and walked to where Cameron was holding the door open for her. Lindsey ordered dark chocolate Oreo and Cameron got chocolate Reeses.

Cameron and Lindsey are laughing inside Baskin-Robbins. Lindsey was explaining the time she had got up early just to get to the store right when it opened to buy the new Simple Plan CD before school. He watches her, grinning and licking his ice cream. He chuckles a little bit.

“You’re such an…” Wait for it… “Interesting person.” Lindsey smiles; not hot, cute or sexy but this will work for now. By the end of the 23 days you’ll fall for me, hard. Lindsey thought to herself, gleaming.

“Thank you, you’re such an… attentive listener.” Lindsey takes a bite of her ice cream cone. Cameron chuckles and looks up. Lindsey catches him staring at her. She looks down and then back up, Cameron’s eyes are still locked on her. “Are you…” Cameron leans forward.

“Shush.” He said softly. Oh my gosh is he going to kiss me? Lindsey thought. Cameron brushes his finger on the side of Lindsey’s lip, he pulls away. “There we go.” Lindsey sees the chocolate on his finger, she touches her lip.

“Oh.” Lindsey looks as Cameron brings the finger up to his mouth and licks it as he looks at her.

“Yum.” He says. Lindsey beams red.

After finishing their ice cream they decided to go to the park. They walked around it and talked; getting to know each other.

Lindsey found out that Cameron was really nervous about graduating and giving his valedictorian speech. Also that he chose to go to Western for college despite the fact that he didn’t really want to go to college; he just wanted to play professional basketball.

Cameron found out that Lindsey had been a bowler since she was five years old and she was quite good. He also found out that she loves to bake; cupcakes being her specialty. And she couldn’t wait for college even though she was only a sophomore.

9:00 pm

Cameron opens the door on Lindsey’s side and she jumps out. She thanks him and he nods as he walks her to her front door.

“I hope your parents aren’t mad.” He apologizes. Lindsey just shrugs it off.

“It’s not that late.” They stop on her door step. Lindsey takes a deep breath. “Okay.” Cameron looks at her and smiles.

“Here we are.” He says.

“Mhmm.” Lindsey replies with a smile. Cameron nods and places his hands inside his pockets.

“So uhm…” He clears his throat. “There’s this rumor about what happens at the end of a first date.”

“What’s that?” Lindsey asks smiling up at him; stepping closer to him.

“This.” Cameron leans downs and his lips gently meet with Lindsey’s. His arms quickly find their way to her waist as hers find their wait around neck. She stands on her tippy toes to deepen the kiss. After a minute they both smile into the kiss and pull apart.

“You taste so good, like chocolate.” Cameron tells her. Lindsey giggles in return. “I had fun today.” Lindsey nods. Not really being able to speak due to the fact that she had just kissed Cameron for the first time. He leans in one more time to kiss her.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He tells her. She smiles and nods as he makes his way to his car. She waves to him as he drives off.

“Oh the fun is just getting started.” Lindsey says. She touches her lips and grins.
♠ ♠ ♠
I will make a layout for this story as soon as I figure out how to make one! Let me know what you all think...