Status: I've never done anything like this.


Il essaie si fort pour me faire plaisir

I always have these moment were I'll lie in my bed and think about my life and every aspect of it. I always wonder what people think about me and my choice not to go to college and I always think about my relationship with Everett. I always wonder why Everett wants to spend so much time with me, I think it stems from the fact he doesn't exactly trust me, and if I was him I probably wouldn't trust me either. I like spending time with Everett but I also like my alone time, if I spend too much time with him I start feeling suffocated. Everett always tends to notice when I start to feel suffocated because around that time he always seems super busy and only text me a little bit. If I was Everett I would probably get tired to putting all the effort he puts into this relationship. I mean he has to be exhausted putting up with me, and trying to keep me happy. I don't think anyone would put up with me like he does, I guess that's one reason he's so special.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's been to long I know. I don't feel like anyone really reads this, but hey interesting to write.

Drop me a comment please (: