Status: I wrote this when I was feeling down and out. Enjoy.

Thank You

Thank You

She sat at the desk, her fingers typing furiously on the keyboard of her computer. She usually did this but tonight was different. Tonight she hated herself more than usual and tonight she decided that she'd end it. Tired of not being good enough, she'd decided that she'd walk down to the old ancient bridge and jump off. She'd thought about it for a while now and this date, January fourteenth, was the day she'd follow through with it. It simply had to be done. She printed out the long letter she wrote to whomever decided to care and folded it up before she grabbed her pen. The word 'sorry' now graced the front of the folded paper. After setting down the pen, she carelessly shoved her feet into her grey Converse shoes and her black Atreyu jacket. She carefully lifted the window and slid out as quietly as she could before jumping from the second story window onto the tree beside her window.

Memories of her childhood washed through her mind. This was the tree that she'd fallen off when she was five. How she'd hated the tree for breaking her arm. This was the tree that held the piƱata for her seventh birthday party. This tree had become one of her best friends. This tree had helped her clear her mind many times before tonight. She plopped herself down on one of the branches and looked down at it. Many of her own carvings were etched into the bark. She traced her fingers over the lines and sighs softly. She leaned against the trunk of the tree for a moment before she slipped off of the branch. She hit the ground with a soft thud and a grunt before she stood erect and began the walk to the bridge.

She pulled the small silver iPod from her jacket pocket and unwound the earbuds before popping them into her ears. She searched the player until she found the song she wanted. "So many things I didn't say, is it too late now that you've gone away? So many words, so many ways. If you can hear me now, there's something I've gotta say." She let out a soft sigh as she walked, taking in everything around her. The streets were busy at this time of night and they made her nervous and excited her. She loved the city regardless of whatever reputation they held.

She looked at her feet, drowning herself in the music. "It's been so long. They say time will heal everything. Could you send me a sign..." At that moment she fell back, ripping the earbuds from her ears. She shook her head and looked up at the man whom she'd run into. He had dark hair and a goatee. Both of his ears were pierced as well as his nose and eyebrow. She looked up at him in complete amazement. "I-I'm sorry... " she muttered quickly as she quickly grabbed her iPod from the ground. The man laughed quietly and held out his hand and she quickly took it and pulled herself up.

"Don't worry about it," he chuckled. His voice was that same deep pitch that she'd adored for a couple years now. She knew instantly who he was, despite the fact that she had just met him. The man was with another man she also recognized. His hair wasn't much shorter than hers and he wore a cowboy hat that went well with his beard. This man was larger than the other and the pitch of his voice was slightly higher than the man she'd run into.

"Watch where you're goin', man," the larger man spoke, a laugh leaving his mouth.

"No, no," she spoke, nervous and excited. "I shouldn't have been listening to my iPod and looking down." She nodded, quickly shoving her iPod into her pockets. "I'm.... Sorry Chad." She bit her lip and looked back down. "I-I should go, really. Can I get an autograph and a picture if it's not too much?"

The men exchanged looks before the one she'd called Chad grabbed her by the arm and pulled her to him while she pulled out her phone. Her fingers trembled as she brought up the camera app causing her to drop her phone. The other man picked up the phone just as she'd gotten a text message.

"Katie [1/14/13 1:43 AM]: I just got your message and I'm just hoping I'm not too late. Dude, I love you. Don't jump off the bridge. You mean so much to me and I don't wanna lose you. :c"

The man rose an eyebrow and showed Chad the phone. "... Is that where you were going?" the man asked curiously. She immediately tried to deny it, but she nodded sheepishly. Both men looked at her, sudden sadness in their eyes.

"I'm not sure what you're going through, but I'm sure it'll all work out." The man named Chad nodded and returned her phone to her. She held it in her hand for a moment before looking at them. "Trust me, when you've been through as much shit as we have, you have to stay strong." She nodded, knowing full well what he was talking about. "How about that picture?" She smiled as the men wrapped an arm around her shoulders after handing the phone to a bystander to take the picture. Both pulled away and stood in front of her. Despite the fact that they reeked of alcohol, she didn't mind. She took her phone back and shoved it into her pocket, the one named Chad turned to the other man as he patted his pockets. "Vinnie, you got a sharpie or something?"

The other man dug around in his pockets until he found one and pulled one out, handing it to Chad. "What is it you'd like signed?" She blinked, trying to think of something before she pulled off her black jacket, revealing her favorite white Mudvayne shirt underneath. She turned around and pulled her long black hair over her shoulder. "What's your name, hon?" he asked, pulling the cap off of the black sharpie.

"Clara," she murmured. "My name is Clara." A smile graced her lips as she felt the soft press of the marker against her back.

"Clara, you're amazing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise," he spoke as he wrote, adding his autograph to the end of the statement. He passed the marker to the man named Vinnie who pressed the marker to her right shoulder blade, placing his own autograph beside Chad's. He smiled and capped the marker before shoving it back into his pocket.

Clara slid back into her jacket and zipped it up, shivering from the cold. "Thanks," she grinned. "You guys are my heroes." She couldn't deny the truth.

"No, thank you," Vinnie spoke. "Thank you for being a fan. I don't want to hear anymore of this jumping nonsense. Take care of yourself, okay?" They both smiled at her and she smiled back' nodding in agreement. "We'll see you around." And with that, they turned around and stumbled back in the direction they came. Clara did the same. Tonight was not the night she'd end it all. Tonight she'd decided she was going to turn her life around. Tonight was the greatest. She ventured back home, a slight spring in her step. She was going to trash the letter and return the message to Katie. Tonight was the best.