Never Let Me Go



There in big, black ink was the front page article of the Daily Prophet.

"What is this?" Anastasia Hills asked her father, throwing the newspaper onto her father's desk. She was furious; how could her parent's go behind her back giving an interview to the infamous, Rita Skeeter.

Her father, Phillip Hills, found his reading glasses and grabbed the Prophet. "Hill's daughter to marry wealthy pure blood," He read the title to himself, "I don't see what is wrong with this?"

"What do you mean, you don't see what is wrong with this?" The sixteen year old yelled, "When were you even going to tell me this?"

A flash of emerald green illuminated from the fire place behind Anastasia, and there stood her mother.

"What's going on?" Abigail Hills asked her husband and daughter, hanging her beautiful black fur coat on the rack.

"She knows," Phillip said, telling his wife.

"Oh, Anastasia, you knew this was going to happen, one way or another," Her mother said, taking a seat on one of her husband's chairs.

"I know that, but you did not have to go and tell the whole wizarding world about it."

Abigail snickered at her child. "This is going to help you out, Anastasia. We're just trying to get the message out there, so you can have more options."

Anastasia rolled her eyes at her mother. "What if I don't want to get married?" She told her parent's, "I'm still young, I haven't even finished Hogwarts yet."

"I was you're age when I married your father, so was my mother when she married my father, and so on," Abigail informed her child. She stood up, "I even gave birth to you, a month after I graduated from Hogwarts, so if I and the rest of the women family were able to do it then, you are too!"

Anastasia tried so hard to keep the tears from falling out her eyes, but it wouldn't work. "B-but, mum?"

"No," Abigail turned her back to her daughter, "On your seventeenth we're finding you're husband if you like it or not."

Anastasia looked at her father. This whole time he had said nothing, he just let his wife verbally attack his little girl.

"Dad," Anastasia whispered.

Phillip shook his head, and went back to writing on his piece paper like how he was when Anastasia first came into his study.

This was it.

Months from now, she would be calling someone 'husband' and it frightened her. She wasn't ready for such a big commitment. She wanted love to find her, not she going looking for love (if it even was love). Her life was over before it could even start.