Never Let Me Go

Her Death Day

Anastasia watched as the rain poured down her bedroom window. The weather matched her mood perfectly, as she witnessed her parent's guest entering their home in their carriages and black attire. Even though it was her birthday, it felt more like her death day. They might as well change this party into a funeral because she felt dead. She couldn't feel her heart anymore, she felt cold, she looked pale; she basically was dead.

"Anastasia," She heard someone say her name.
She turned around to see her father standing at the door. He wore a beatiful dinner jacket with a black bowtie, and matching black slacks.

He walked over to his daughter and kissed her forehead, "You look beautiful, honey." She wore a stunning black tulle lace gown. Her golden hair was pined into a nice bun, showing of her collar bones and her makeup enhanced her beauty even more.

She smiled at her father, and went back to watching the guest come in her home.

"I know you don't want to do this, but it really is what's best for you," Phillip, her father, informed Anastasia.

Anastasia nodded her head, not listening to anything he was saying. She knew the only reason they were making her do this was too remain blood purity, not just because this was her mother's family tradition.

"Mr. Hills," The familiar voice of Phoebe, the Hills family elf, said knocking on the door before entering. "It is time."

Anastasia turned around, and laced her arm through her father's. Phillip patted her arm and gave his child a small smile as they walked out her room together.


"On this day, July 26th, I gave birth to my first child," The voice of Abigail Hills echoed through halls of Hills Manor. Anastasia waited at the top of the steps with her father, out of view so no one would catch a glimpse of her. "This day isn't just about celebrating her seventeenth birthday, it's about celebrating my child turning into a women. In just a year from now, she'll be a wife and soon she'll be a mother. Though, I'll miss the days when she would run around this place in nothing but her diaper, I can't wait to see the days where she'll one day be doing the same with her children. Ladies and Gentlemen, my daughter, Anastasia Victoria Hills," Abigail said, finishing her speech.

Anastasia laced arms with her father again as he guided her down the long flight of stairs. Everyone clapped for the now seventeen year old, and watched as she floated down the stairs.

Anxiety quickly rushed over Anastasia. She was never one for the attention, and now all of a sudden everyone was staring at her. She felt as if she could faint at any moment.

Once Phillip and Anastasia reached the bottom of the stairs, the orchestra immediately began playing their instruments and the father and daughter duo began their first dance.