A Princesses Life

Chapter 4

Three hours later I’ve barely finished cutting the potatoes for a stew. I hand cut myself four times and had bandages around my hands. The men came in to see if I was still alive occasionally and grumbled about how hungry they are. “If your sooo hungry DO.IT.YOURSELF!” my voice rises at the last part. Throwing potatoes at the bandit, he retreats out of the tent leaving me alone. I have never had to cook before and after this I was never going to. I could hear the tent entrance open, “Are you having trouble” Cole was standing in the door way “No I just like taking hour to cut potatoes, have my hand sore and bleeding.” My voice is filled with sarcasm. I was usually never this rude but, being tired, sore, and hungry can do a thing to a girl. Cole takes the knife out of my hands gently and I allow him to “I’ll take over” he says kindly, nodding I move from my stool and sit on the ground next to him. For a minute we sit in silence, “You know how to cook?” I ask question, he didn’t seem like the cooking type. “Yes, my mother taught me” he says it so softly I barely hear the words he said. “Where’s your mother?” I saw a flash of pain cross his face; I regretted asking “She dead. She was killed” I shouldn’t have asked but, I blurted out “Who killed her?” he paused for a minute and then said “I don’t know” he was lying, the way his eyes tensed for a moment, then just had a glazing look over them. “Oh” I decide not to pry anymore. He had cut the potatoes, carrots, other vegetables and the stew was done within an hour. “Finally” one of the bandits says as he scoops some into his bowl, I glare at him. Taking my bowl I scoop up a little and hesitantly taste it, it tasted like a chef from the castle had prepared this “Wow! This is really good.” I look up towards Cole he smiled “My mother’s was better” he didn’t seem sad this time.
I ate quietly while thoughts were turning in my head, their bad guys, no I like them their nice, foolish you’ll die if you stay with them, what’s exactly waiting for me at the palace?, Your father needs you. My thoughts halt, I was talking to myself in my head. They would call me unstable, not sane if anyone found out. Maybe I am crazy, my Father never needed me why should I go back, to be ignored and feel unwanted? “Ava” I hear Cole say gently, while I was thinking I must have shown my worry and anger. “What did you call me?” I wasn’t sure if I heard him right “Oh- I just um- gave you a nickname” he says. I’ve never had a nickname, Ava; I roll it around in my head before answering “I like it” he smiles slightly before, getting up “You should be going to bed.” Without objecting I take his hand and stand up, I never notice how small my hand was compared to his. Looking down I can see his and can easily engulf mine. His hands were rough, warm and had scars “Where did you get the scars?” I ask without looking up from his hand “I got in a fight.” Nodding I let his hand drop away, turning I proceed at going to my tent. I had two thin blankets and one rough scratchy pillow. Laying down my fear and doubt creep up on me, I fight with them until my mind is exhausted and I fall asleep.

Hour Later:

I shiver in the night air, the temper had dropped drastically it was only October and I could tell this would be a harsh winter. “The men sleep alone and live” I hear someone whisper angrily “Yes but, she much smaller and will die in the cold” another voice answers, I couldn’t tell who they were. I was the only girl in the group so I know there talking about me. “She’ll survive” the angry voice answers. No body answers and there rustling at my door. I was so cold, I was sure I turned blue and my toes would fall off, my teeth chattered as I saw Cole come in. He looked angry when he saw me huddled under the covers shaking violently, scooping me up baby style; I cling to his neck burying my head in his warm chest. “I told you” Cole growled as we walked by the person he must have been arguing with, I couldn’t muster up enough strength to even look up. I was laid on a cot; it was rough but, gave me a little comfort. “Jasper up” I hear Cole command and instantly fur is all around me, jasper on one side and Cole lays on the other. “We can’t sleep like this” I mumble tiredly “Forget about being improper right now, other whys you’ll freeze to death.” I don’t object just nuzzle closer to him; I was starting to feel warmer already. “Thank-you jasper” I whisper to the wolf, he growls in return, smiling I drift back into my dreams.