A Princesses Life

Chapter 6

Gazing at the stars I can hear the soft snores of the two men, I had my chance to run now but, they were taking me home so why run now? The stars are aligned in different ways, they truly are beautiful. I wish to be a star one day “Why are you still awake?” I hear Cole's deep voice mumble “I can’t sleep.” He looked ready to fall asleep but, he stayed awake “Why not?” his voice is husky from sleepiness “I don’t know if I’m ready to go home.” My voice is so soft; I wasn’t exactly sure why this scared me. He was silent for a few seconds “You have to.” Those words sealed my fate. I should be glad beautiful dresses, servants, a kingdom and balls. Those things don’t bring joy to me, anymore. I had a wonderful time being kidnapped, was it wrong to have fun? Probably. “Okay.” I noticed he had fallen asleep, standing up.
I walk to the edge of the tree’s and see jasper flicked his eyes open, from my feet making noises. “I’m not leaving jasper” I say softly and he lets out a low rumble and closes his eyes. I walk deeper into the forest, I tried going in a straight line and I saw a light. Going closer my eye’s land on my kingdom, and my castle not that far off. The road we took led further away from the kingdom. Where were we really going?

I open my mouth to scream as someone grabs me from behind and clasp a hand around my mouth, I was only able to let out a muffled scream. “What are you doing?” I hear Cole voice hiss, relaxing it was only him. “I’m going to let you go. Do not run or scream.” I nod and he lets me go. Spinning around I face him “Why does the road we take lead away from the kingdom?” I demand in a hushed tone. “Your father won’t pay.” My face goes pale; I should have known he wouldn’t. “You’re going to kill me!” my voice rises slightly “For Heaven's sake were not going to kill you were taking you to were the leaders meet and then they’ll decide your fate.” I didn’t feel any better “So I might still die?” he nods and answers “Yes.” I heard no remorse in his tone, making me flare up and become angry “How many women have you escorted to their death?” I really didn’t want to know “Seven, five were killed.” Great! I’m going to die, without another word I storm back to camp. John was now sitting up but, jasper laid there still asleep. “Oh you found-” his voice cut off and then he added in a softer tone “She knows?” I didn’t give Cole time to respond “Yes I know I’m going to die.” I snap, he cringes and then adds “You most likely won’t die in less they see you as a threat.” Silently we all take are places and sit not all ready to sleep. “Do you think I’ll die?” I keep my voice from cracking “No-” John starts but, Cole cuts him off “Yes. You’re the king's daughter and that is a big threat.” I quickly inhale, isn’t he honest, I think bitterly. Staring at the fire quickly dying I pray that it slowly builds up and lights the forest on fire, killing me quickly. I was going to die anyway. “Princess go to sleep.” I hear John's sweet voice ,“Stop calling me that, my names Avryl.” I couldn’t stand being called princess anymore that is the reason I’ll probably die. Without a word I lay down as they do, I close my eyes and drift into a horrible nightmare.

“Wake up” I hear Cole say, while nudging me with his hand. I get up, still dreading what may become of me. We eat an apple for breakfast, I notice John riding in. “Where did you go?” I ask when he dismounts, ignoring me he tells Cole “They just a few miles from here, they had to move due to complications.” Cole nods and looks over at me “Seems like we’ll be there sooner than I thought.” My face goes pale and he notices it. “Don’t worry they won’t make that decision in less they have to.” I nod silently. Cole gets on his horse and helps me onto him, I'm sitting in his lap again. I sit there silently while we ride, I know we're getting closer, I can hear men laughing and I think I hear women too.
We ride through a couple of trees until we come to a group of bandits. I spot women they're all whores or so that’s how it looks. “Cole, John!” I hear peoples' excitement welcomes. Nobody even greets me, I stand by Cole as he greets many men and some women, which make me irritated.

“Cole, John you arrived.” I turn towards the very familiar voice, and I am surprised who in front of me “Uncle?” I ask hesitantly. I hadn’t seen him since my mother died when I was six. “Dear Avryl, it’s nice to see you again and my have you grown.” I couldn’t believe my eyes and how he acted so friendly. I was here on a death trial, my face goes blank and cold, and he drops his arm that I refused to shake “Let’s get this over with.” I growl, which in return I can see surprised expressions. I hold my head high, I would not show weakness, I was the princess heir to the throne. “Yes lets.” My uncle’s voice is still soft.

Following him, I come into a large tent with four others. He seats himself at the head of the table, he was the mass leader? I couldn’t believe it. My father’s brother was the leader of the biggest rebellion in the kingdom. Taking a seat on the other side of the table “This is my niece Avryl Isabelle Marie Chantal the princess and my brother’s daughter, heir to the throne.” At least they got my title right, holding my head high, I refuse to meet their curious gazes. My eye only stared at my uncle “We are here because her father refuses to pay the ransom.” It's silent for a moment but, another leader with short blond hair and dazzling blue eyes says “We should dispose of her.” His voice is cold, I keep myself from cringing and hold my mouth shut. “I don’t know we could use her against the king” A red headed woman, the only woman leader at the table beside me, says. “The king doesn’t want her, so how would that be so?” the blonde haired asked, I watched my uncle who had a calculating look on his face “We could teach her are ways and when she ready over through her father and she could lead the people.” I stare at him, over through my father? I couldn’t and wouldn’t “I will do no such thing” I snap, which they ignore me. “How do we know she won’t be like her father?” the blonde haired asked .

“I watched her grow most her life, I watched her go against her fathers will and feed the poor, she even broke her ankle trying climb down from her balcony." My cheeks turn a bright red, he was watching me! “You had no right to invade my privacy!” I yell in frustration, “Me watching you helped you many times.” I stare “How?” I feared his response “Why do you think bandits never jumped you? How did you escape the danger in the cities so many times?” my cheeks darken “Why was I kidnapped and robbed then?” I had a bad feeling “Because I wanted it to happen.” I close my mouth, and keep from saying something.
“Let’s vote. All in favor to dispose of her raise your left hand.” Three hands raise “All in favor to teach her are ways and give her the throne, raise your right hand.” Seven hands raise, at least I wasn’t going to die. “Good. Your training starts tomorrow.” I sit paralyzed in my seat, waiting for everyone to leave, so I could talk to my uncle in private.