Your Car Crash In Slow Motion.

Drowning In Drunk Sincerity.

We all have regrets.

Unfortunately, some more than others. But what happens when you give up on the one thing that gives us purpose? We fall apart. We fall apart at the seams. Why? It's human nature, darling. That, my dear friends is why he's sat there, lonely and grubby on a mouldy bar stool. Has he showered lately? I doubt it. You could argue he's getting what he deserves, watching his ex-friends on the screen, wishing he hadn't backed out. But honestly, does anyone deserve this? As he downs another drink, touch wood, something’s going to happen. That's destiny making her face more apparent by the minute. Who knows what's going to happen next, perhaps we should watch from afar.

Frank's P.O.V.
An October morning haze just decided to crash the party. I realised I was swaying slightly on the rickety stool. I mumbled incoherently under my breath, signaling the bartender. He grunted.
"Anuzzer -hic- Jack Daniel's mate." I slurred, my head spinning through a technicolour whirl. Wow, maybe I was a tad drunk. He stared at me, wide-eyed.
"I think you've had enough, sir" he replied nonchalantly.
"C'mon." I begged, "One more and I'll clear off, promise."
"Fine." he muttered, pouring the liquor into the crystalline bottle - a velvet temptation to my drowsy tastebuds, "But if you don't leave I'm throwing you out."

I took the drink gratefully and helped myself to a long, deep swig. I glared at the screen. I hated him. I hated everything about the man parading on the screen. I hated the fact he was once my best friend. I hated the fact he still had friends. I hated the fact he meant so much to so many. But most of all, I hated the fact I let him down, my friends down. I took another swig, contempt flowing through my veins. The sincerity that oozed out of his angelic vocals drove my insane. It wasn't fucking fair. A raging volcano erupted inside of me and I just had to get out of there. I stumbled blindly out of the seedy bar, leaving my drink discarded on the side. I was out of there but I could still here his voice, see his face. Regret was leering it's ugly head straight in my face. Why? Why me? I attempted to escape the voice, propelling myself wildly and less than gracefully through the night. It was no use, yet I continued blinded by tears. Then, suddenly...