Your Car Crash In Slow Motion.

Long Live The Car Crash Hearts.

A squeal of brakes and an ivory blood rush. What else did you expect? Everything to go black, to be floating above my body? Ha ha, no. Who even said I was dead, eh? Anyway, as I laid there I felt a wind pick up. But not just any old wind. The type that picks up in those clichéd movies, where, in the middle of a wet, lilac scented field, two young lovers meet up and kiss. The end.

But it wasn't. No, things didn't go black, they went lilac. Yes, lilac. Have a problem? Like, electric lilac. I doubt that makes sense but I really couldn't care less. So, I was laid there drifting aimlessly when suddenly I was yanked upwards by the nostrils, well, that's how it felt. Honestly, it even had the metallic feel and smell; though ancient and rusted completely judging by that whiff.

The world is upside down. It has been turned upside down. I'm alone in a field. A stinking one too. When I say 'alone' the term is used loosely. I’m surrounded by a menagerie of animals, great and small, weird and wonderful. I swear I’ve never even seen half of them. So, this is heaven? Bit of a disappointment actually; it smells horrendous for a start. My head begins to pound and glacial tears begin to fill my eyes. It’s the end of everything and I never had the chance to repair the severed cords. Wait, since when was I dead?

I convulsed suddenly. Again, repeatedly; like lightning bolts entering my chest. A butterfly salvation began to ring in my ears; it couldn't possibly him, could it? I'd notice the velvet voice of summer lullabies anytime, anywhere. But seriously, I thought he hated me, especially after falling for his brother. The very admittance that destroyed me. I must've spent so many indigo nights awake, wondering if he ever actually found out. But it's too late for reminiscing; the damage has already been done. Or so I'd thought.

"Frank...what have you done to yourself?" he said, voice hushed, barely a whisper. It seemed so close yet so distant.

Perhaps this is all a warped fantasy. Maybe I'll wake up inside a grubby apartment, or, better still, back in the old days. A huge grin spread across my face, wide and broad, just by looking back. Wow, I only just realised I'm still on the ground, although the ground doesn't seem to want me to leave. Scratch that, it won't let me leave. At all. I can't get up, I can barely feel a thing except a light, tingling sensation in my toes. I looked to the left cautiously, from the look of it, everything was slipping into a deep, ultraviolet slumber. Even the sky faded to a malevolent grey before transforming into a gorgeous indigo hue. I felt my head loll as a misty, powder blue haze. Sleep nodded it's auburn head and invited me into the warmth as I slowly slipped from consciousness.