Happy Birthday

One of One.

Zayn’s eyes slowly fluttered open, trying to adjust to the bright sunlight seeping through the blinds (he’s told Harry millions of times they need new blinds but Harry always dismisses him). Zayn stretched and closed his eyes for another several moments before finally opening them again and turning on his side expecting to find his boyfriend beside him but instead found the spot empty and cold. Zayn immediately frowned and tried to find a note but he couldn’t find anything. Zayn sighed and scrambled for his phone on his bedside table and texted his boyfriend.

Where are yooooou? It’s my birthday and I woke up alone. Not fair Hazzah :( xx

Zayn set his phone on Harry’s pillow and waited for him to reply. As he waited, he closed his eyes again and ended up falling asleep again, waking up hours later to no text or phone call. Zayn sighed and dialed Harry’s number but got no answer. Becoming worried he called him again and again but still no answer. Zayn got out of bed and walked to the kitchen to see if there was a note but no such luck so Zayn looked everywhere in their flat but no note. Zayn walked back to the living room and called his best friend and band mate, Louis.

“Ello mate! Happy birthday!”

Zayn smiled, “Thanks Lou, hey have you seen Harry? I woke up and he wasn’t here and I haven’t heard from him.”

There was some commotion on Louis’ end of the line but Louis seemed to leave the room. “No I haven’t heard from him.”

“Are you sure? Where are you?” Zayn questioned.

“I think I would know if my best friend was in my flat Zaynie boy! Have a good birthday buddy! Love ya!”

Zayn could hardly tell Louis thank you and ‘love you’ back before Louis hung up. Zayn huffed and called the rest of his band mates who basically said the same thing as Louis. Zayn made himself a cup of tea to try to calm his nerves and try to put things in perspective. But it’s his birthday and his boyfriend isn’t hoe and he’s upset and worried and he decides to just fuck it and after drinking his tea, he went back to bed to sleep until his boyfriend would be home (hopefully).


“Zaynie boy! Wake up baby.”

Zayn groaned and swatted at whoever was trying to wake him up.

“Baby! Wake up! It’s your birthday, wake up love!”

Zayn felt lips on his forehead then his cheek then his lips briefly and finally on his neck. Zayn groaned and pushed Harry off of him, ignoring Harry’s pout as he sat on the bed.

“What gives?” Harry asked.

Zayn sat up and glared at him, “What gives? Hazzah, I had to wake up on my birthday alone.”

Harry sighed and took one of Zayn’s hands in his and kissed his palm, “I’m sorry babe, I was just getting your birthday present ready?”

Zayn sighed and climbed into Harry’s lap, “It took all day?” Zayn asked rubbing his nose against Harry’s jaw.

Harry smiled and played with the tiny hairs on the back of his neck, “Yes, I’m sorry sweetheart. It’s ready now though, do you want to go see it?”

Zayn nodded and kissed Harry. He climbed off of Harry’s lap and waited for Harry to get off the bed. Harry took Zayn’s hand in his and led Zayn through their flat and to the parking lot of their flat complex. Sitting in Zayn’s usual parking spot is a brand new motorcycle with a red bow on it.

“Surprise!” Harry called holding his hands open in front of the motorcycle.

Zayn’s eyebrows rose as he between the motorcycle and Harry, “This is my birthday present?”

“Yeah!” Harry said. “Do you like it? Come sit on it and see what you think? Isn’t this the one you were looking at?”

“You actually bought me a motorcycle. You kept saying no and how unsafe it was.”

Harry rolled his eyes, “Just come sit on it babe.”

Zayn walked over and sat on the motorcycle trying to appear to be upset and mad at Harry even though he’s really happy. Harry sat behind him and wrapped his arms around Zayn and rested his head on his shoulder.


Zayn smiled a little before frowning again, “I’m still upset you ditched me on my birthday.”

Harry rolled his eyes and squeezed Zayn’s waist before kissing Zayn’s cheek. “Happy birthday baby.”