Double Trouble

Chapter 1

I sprint through the London airport in order to grab a taxi nearly knocking over innocent by passers.

I stopped in my tracks when my phone rang and I fumbled around my pockets for my phone.

I eventually managed to pry it from my coat pocket, almost hitting someone in the face in the process.

“Hello?” I said my breath unsteady.

“Hi sweetie!”

“Oh, hi Mum!” I moved over to the side so I was out of the way of the fast moving traffic of people.

“How are you sweetie? Are you there yet?” I looked around noticing a smallish group of girls who looked as though they were waiting for someone.

“Yeah. Just landed. I just went and grabbed my luggage now i’m about to head outside to get a cab.”

“Oh, wonderful! Don’t forget to Skype us once you’re settled in darling. We miss you already.” I smiled.

“I miss you too Mum.” The group of girls who had been calm just minutes ago were now screaming, some of them crying. I put my hand up to my other ear to block out some of the noise as they came closer to hear what my Mum was saying.

“Sorry Mum. I can’t hear you. There’s a bunch of girls screaming and crying over who knows what!” I said loud enough for them to hear and one of the younger ones turned and grimaced at me.

I laughed at her and looked up to see what the fuss was about, not seeing anything spectacular, while my Mum kept talking.

“Look Mum, i’m really sorry but this group of girls is heading in every direction I am so i’ll call you when I get home. I love you! Bye.”

I hung up my phone and as I did the group of girls walked out the door as the young one stuck her tongue out at me as she walked past and I grimaced.

I went to walk out when someone walked into the side of me, tripping me over as their foot went in front of mine.

I fell to the ground stopping myself with my hands causing a sharp pain to shoot up my arm.

“Shit.” I grabbed my wrist and as I did the pain got worse causing me to cuss under my breath.

“Oh, I am so sorry love.” I heard them say in their gorgeous British accent. Normally I would have melted out the slightest hint of an accent but given the circumstances I wasn’t wooed.

I noticed the closer pair of legs grabbing my arm as he helped me up.

As I stood up I thanked the one who hadn’t tripped me over.

I grabbed for my back pack that was now on the floor and winced at the pain shooting up my arm when the boy who had helped me up grabbed it for me and I thanked him again.

As I adjusted my beanie with my non sprained wrist I looked up to see them.

I noticed straight away that they both looked extraordinarily similar and I guessed they were twins.

The one who had helped me up had more of a defined jawline as the other one. They both had brown eyes and their hair was brown and swept the same way but in opposite directions.

The one who had knocked me over looked guilty. “I’m so sorry. Are you alright.” He grabbed the wrist I had landed on and I winced.

“Ouch. It’s fine but my wrist isn’t. I think I sprained it.” He let go of it immediately.

“Could you please tell me where the closest hospital is?”

“Not from around here?” The one who knocked me over was now smirking.

“No actually. I’m from Australia.”

The other one wrote down the name of it and I thanked him. “What are your names?”

The arrogant one spoke, “i’m Finn. This is my twin brother, Jack.”

“Nice to meet you Jack & well Finn, you don’t seem very guilty for what you did. Nor were you very helpful.”

“Sorry. I thought Jack had it.” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“I don’t like you very much. Jack on the other hand, thank you. You’re very nice.” Jack snickered and Finn hit him.

“That’s not very nice to say to someone you don’t know.”

I laughed humorlessly, “pfft. I’ve seen enough of your personality already and I don’t like it very much.”

He smirked. “Oh, feisty one we have here.” I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my suitcase with my non injured hand.

“Well, feisty one is leaving. Nice meeting you Jack.” I shook his hand and he smiled.

“Pleasure meeting you.”

“And Finn, well. Let’s hope we don’t bump into each other again. Wouldn’t want someone else to have to help me up again.”

He rolled his eyes and groaned as Jack laughed.

Finn walked off. “I’m getting a taxi.”

He left and as I went to walk off Jack grabbed my arm.

“I don’t know you but I think i’ve fallen in love already.” He laughed.

“And why is that?” I smiled.

“We have never met a girl that hasn’t been interested in or attracted to Finn and you’re the first girl that hasn’t swooned over him.”

“Trust me, i’m not the swooning type and well. I think I prefer you.” He smiled and bit his lip.

“What did you say your name is?”

“I didn’t.” He smiled and I giggled.

“My name is Katherine, but Kat for short.”

“Well Kat, let us take you to the hospital seeing as you’ve never lived here before. I’d like to talk some more.”

I got in the back of the cab with them and as I did Finn groaned.

“Suck it up princess. You injured her, now we’re helping her.” His bottom lip came out a bit and I rolled my eyes.

“You know, for someone so attractive you don’t have the best personality.”

“And for someone so pretty you’re not very nice.”

“Says you!” Finn was about to talk back when Jack stopped him.

“Enough. Finn. Shut up. I want to talk to Kat.” He put his headphones in.

“So, Australia huh? What are you doing out here?” I could see Finn looking at me from the corner of his eye and I could have sworn he was listening in.

“Well, my friend and I have decided to move out here. She is helping out at a boarding school somewhere near Reading so she’s really only home on the weekends. Me, i’m out here studying Photography & do some music stuff.”

“Oh wow! That’s awesome. Music stuff? You mean you sing?”

“And play guitar?”

We pulled up at the hospital.

“Well, here’s my contact details,” he handed me a piece of paper.

“We should definitely catch up sometime soon and talk more. Maybe you can sing and play for me.” he winked.

“Maybe.” I quickly wrote down my number and handed it to him.

“Bye Jack. Lovely meeting you.”

Finn turned his head and looked at me. “Bye Finny.” He shook his head as Jack laughed and I walked through the emergency door.

“Hi. I think i’ve sprained my wrist and I was wondering if I could get it checked out.”

“Sure thing sweetie.” I was guided into another room straight away as there was hardly anyone here.

The Doctor poked my wrist and bent it backwards and forwards causing my eyes to tear up and a number of cuss words to escape my lips.

“Definitely sprained. I’m going to bandage it up for you and hopefully it will be all healed up in 2 weeks. Here are some pain killers as well.”

“Thanks.” He smiled and led me out as another person was led in and the room was all of a sudden packed.

“Whoa.” I smiled and waved at the receptionist as I left and I was able to grab my suitcase with minimal pain.

I hailed a taxi and made my way back to my house and as I got upstairs I flopped down on the bed.


“I can’t believe you agreed to give that girl a lift to the hospital.” My brother scoffed and raised an eyebrow at me. “What?”

“Finn! You knocked the poor girl over and didn’t bother helping her up. Not to mention you were kind of rude to her. I get that your girlfriend just broke up with you man but seriously, not every girl is an evil bitch like you think.” I sighed and nod my head.

“I guess I was rude to her. Crap. Now you’ve made me feel bad Jack!” I helped him set up his cameras as we prepared to film our new video for YouTube.

Jack had started a YouTube channel for his gap year July of 2011 and he had first let me be in one of his videos in November of last year.

Since then people had become a fan of myself as well as Jack and he had decided to make me a part of his channel. Today we were filming a video filled with a few challenges his subscribers had dared us to do.

“By the way, i’m going to call her later and ask her if she wants to hang out here tomorrow so might be a goof opportunity to get on her good side.”

“Awww you like her man. Don’t you?” I saw him smile but he shook his head.

“Nahh man. There’s something about her that makes me not want to go there. I don’t know what it is.”

“Maybe it’s her winning personality.” He laughed and shook his head.

“You’re terrible Finn. Okay. Let’s do these challenges. First, put your red flannel shirt on!”

I sighed. “Fine. I’ll be back in a minute.”


I woke up to my friend noisily making her way through the house. I got up and examined myself in the mirror. My dark black hair and bright blue eyes made me look more pale than I actually was.

I wouldn’t have said I was drop dead gorgeous but I wasn’t exactly ugly either.

I let out a sigh and walked downstairs to greet my friend.

“Anna! Hey love!” She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.

“How are you?” She sat me down as made me tea.

“Good. Had an alright flight. Just fell asleep which probably isn’t the best thing to do when I need to get my sleeping in check with the time here.” She laughed.

“You get used to it.”

“I hope so.” She noticed the bandage on my wrist.

“What happened?”

“Oh. Well, I was walking out of the airport with this rude as guy, I think his name was Finn, doesn’t matter. He walked into me and tripped me over leaving his brother Jack to help me up. I landed on my wrist and sprained it.”

“Ouch! Wait, but did you say their names were Jack and Finn?”

“Yeah, why?”

She put our tea down on the table, grabbed my shoulders and looked me dead in the eyes.

“You’re scaring me.”

“Were they twins?”

“Yes.” I said slowly back away a little.

“Kat! Do you understand that you met two of the most famous YouTubers. Every girl would die to meet them, more so Finn. I want to meet them, especially Jack, but I don’t have as much luck as you.” She let go of me and sipped her tea.

“Well, I don’t know why they’d want to meet Finn. He was so rude to me.”

“He did just break up with his girlfriend. He’s probably still emotional.” She looked at me as if I should know this.

I drank some of the tea.

“Well, that’s no excuse to be rude.” She raised an eyebrow at me.

“Um, do you remember how you were when Liam broke up with you? You were horrid.”

I remembered how I had thrown a plate on the ground straight after it had happened and crying and yelling.

“Oh yeah. I try to forget about that.” She laughed.

“Give him a break. I’m sure if you see them again he’ll come around.”

“Well, Jack gave me his details so maybe i’ll be seeing him sooner than I think.”

“Seriously?! Please. Take me with you if you do.”

“I promise.” My phone started ringing.

“Speak of the devil.” She bounced up and down as I picked up and put it on speaker.

“Hey Jack! Your on speaker and my friend I was telling you about is here.”

“Hey! Oh and hi, Anna wasn’t it?”

“You have good memory.” I heard him chuckle.

“I was just wondering if you’d like to come over tomorrow and hang out. Your friend can come too!”

“We’d love to.” Anna practically shouted before I could speak and I heard him laugh as well as Finn in the background.

“Sorry, she’s very enthusiastic and obviously a big fan of what you guys do.”

“Ahh yes. Well, that’s nice that you like our stuff Anna!”

“Anyway, i’ll text you my address and i’ll see you at let’s say 12:00?”

“Sure! Sounds good. Bye Jack. Bye Finny.”

“Goodbye Kat.” I heard them say in sync.

“That was freaky.”

“It happens.” I laughed and he hung up.

“Well, looks like I didn’t have to persuade him into letting you come.”

Anna jumped up and down excitedly.

“I love Jack. He’s the best.” I laughed as she hugged me.

We spent most of the night cuddle up on our recliners reading by the fire when Anna’s head shot up and she looked at me.

I placed my finger between the pages of my book and gazed at her.

“I forgot to tell you. You know Grace? Well, she’s moving up here as well and she needed a place to stay. So she’s moving into one of our spare rooms. Is that okay?”

I nod my head. “Of course! I love Grace! Why is she moving up here though?”

“She’s going to be working with me.”

“Oh, how cool!”

It grew dark quick outside and Anna quietly dismissed herself to bed even though it was only 9:30.

I took her absence as a good opportunity to Skype my family. I head upstairs to grab my laptop and came back down under my blanket as I resumed my position on the recliner.

I logged on and as soon as I did I got a call from my Mum.

I clicked answer and surely enough my Mum, my Dad and my younger twin and older brothers faces came up.

I waved and smiled as they waved back.

“Hi Kitty!” My younger brothers chimed in sync, almost like Jack and Finn on the phone before.

“Hey Kit Kat.” My older brother smiled at me.

“How are you sweetie? You look settled in.”

“I am. I was just sitting by the fire reading when I thought I should Skype you.”

“Did you girls eat?”

“Yeah. We both cooked some pasta. Not as good as yours though. Still learning.” My Mum smiled and I saw her tearing up.

“Well, we have to go. I need to get Tristan & Liam here to school..”

“And I have to go to Uni.” Josh said as he waved goodbye.

“And i’m going to be late for work.” My Dad said checking his watch and he left.

“We’ll need to have a longer Skype call soon. Miss you already. Stay safe. I love you!”

“I love you too Mum. Bye!” I blew a few kisses and ended the call.

Although I was in a completely different timezone I felt extremely exhausted. I closed my eyes as I leaned back on the couch slowly dozing off by the fire.