Double Trouble

Chapter 2

“Kaaaatttt. Kaaaaat. KAT!” My blanket was ripped off of me. My eyes shot open as I looked at my phone for the time.

“Anna. It’s only 10:00. Why are you waking me up now?”

“Because i’m awake and i’m excited about today and I want you to share in my excitement.” I pulled the blanket back up and closed my eyes.

“I’m sorry fangirl but i’m too tired.” She ripped the blanket off of me again and pulled me off of the recliner as I screamed and grabbed for it as it disappeared from beneath me.

“Okay! I’m up! I’m up!” She laughed and poured some tea as I head upstairs to put my blanket back.

I walked down and poured myself some tea and cereal and sat by the now rekindled fire.

“I definitely think i’m going to get used to living like this.” I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as I shut my eyes.

“Me too.” Said Anna as she sat across from me taking in the heat.

20 minutes had passed and I sighed. “We should probably get ready.”

I got up and groaned. “Ugh. These boys better be worth leaving all of this for.” Anna laughed and I giggled.

“Let’s hope so.”


“Anna! Why on earth did you trust me with directions?! I hardly know my right from left, let alone how to get to a boy I just met’s house in a foreign country!” I panicked as I tried to decipher the map on my phone.

“Here.” She pulled over and I saw her get out and stop a friendly looking woman.

She got back in the drivers side and continued driving.

“We’re going in the right direction. And apparently we’re 5 minutes away from their address.”

She drove a bit more and I looked at the clock flashing ’12:23.’

I pushed my glasses up my face as they had fallen down in between all of my panicking.

We finally made it there and Anna started freaking out while I grew calm. I wasn’t nervous about seeing them. I was more nervous about the drive there and I had good reason to be.

I knocked on the door as Anna groomed herself over and over again. “Anna. You look good. Stop fixing yourself up!”

The door came open and Jack’s smiling face appeared with Finn walking away in the background in nothing but a towel and I couldn’t help but watch him.

My attention quickly turned back to Jack when Finn turned and smirked.

Anna’s eyes didn’t move from Jack’s face once.

“Hey Kat! Anna!” He hugged us both and looked at Anna worried.

“Is your friend breathing? I haven’t seen her blink.” I punched Anna in the arm and she looked at me angrily.

Jack laughed and he gestured us in.

“Come to my room. Finn and I were just editing our new video.”

“Oh wicked!”

We followed him into his rather large room and I sat on the couch he had in the corner.

Finn walked in while he was in the middle of pulling his shirt on and he smiled at us both.

“Ladies.” I grimaced slightly remembering the previous day.

Jack looked at Finn and Jack spoke only to Anna. “I’m going to make some tea. Want to come help?”

She nod her head. “Sure.” He grabbed her hand and steered her in the direction.

I played with my fingers and I pushed my glasses up again as they kept slipping down my face.

“You weren’t wearing glasses yesterday were you?” He turned and looked at me as he sat at the computer.

“Nope. I had contacts in.”

“You look better with glasses on.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile. He knew how to woo a lady. “Just saying.” He turned back to the computer.

“Thanks. I hate them. I always feel like they make me look nerdy, which I am, but yeah.” I laughed and looked down at my hands.

“Well, if you’re a nerd you’re the cutest nerd I know.” I saw him blush as he smiled.

I went deep into thought and as he turned to say something I interrupted. “Why are you being so nice to me today? I thought you were going to hit me at any moment yesterday.”

“I guess. I’m really sorry about that. That wasn’t me. I’m just going through a tough break up at the moment and I was in a bad mood yesterday. I apologise for taking it out on you.”

“It’s okay. I went through a bad break up too last year and I took it out on everyone. Anna can tell you. I was horrible. And I guess, i’m kind of sorry for being a bitch yesterday. I just get a little fired up when someone is rude to me.”

“Just ‘kind of’ sorry?” He laughed and winked.

“Only kind of.” I laughed when Jack & Anna walked in with tea and ginger biscuits.

“Well, looks like you two are finally getting a long. I was scared I might come in and see you strangling each other.”

“Oh trust me. I was thinking about it.” I laughed as he handed me my tea.

I could see Finn shaking his head as he looked at the computer screen.

“So what’s the new video about?”

Finn turned around as he waited for the finalised video to process.

“Twin Challenges.” He smiled.

“Challenges? Like what?” Anna asked as she peaked at Jack from the corner of her eye just as he did and they both hid a smile.

“Cinnamon, cracker & ferrero rocher challenge. Also another one that fan challenged us to do.”

“I did the cinnamon challenge once. Totally nailed it.” Anna burst out laughing and the boys looked confused.

“If you call almost choking to death ‘nailing it’ then sure.” She brought up the YouTube link and pressed play.

I got close to her ear and whispered. “I’m going to kill you for this.” She giggled and turned the screen to the boys.

There was me on the screen babbling on and trying to psych my into putting the spoon in my mouth. The first few seconds I was fine until it tickled the back of my throat and caused me to start coughing and choking.

Jack and Finn thought it was the funniest thing ever so much so that Jack fell off of his chair.

I buried my face in my hands and I felt Jack slide over to my feet as he pulled them away with tears in his eyes.

“You guys suck! As if you both did any better!”

“Oh no. We were just as bad as you, your facial expressions just made it funnier though!” He was still pissing himself laugh and Jack lifted my head because I was looking at my hands.

“That’s so embarrassing.” I laughed.

Finn had stopped laughing but he had tears coming down his face.

“My stomach hurts so much.” I threw a pillow at him knocking him off of his chair and I burst out laughing as did the other two.”

We had been talking and laugh when our heads came up as we heard a voice. “Jack. Finn! We’re home!”

“Who’s that?”

“Where are you boys?” I now heard a male voice.

“Our parents.” A little blonde girl then came running in.

“Hey Emmy!” Finn pulled her into a hug and kissed her Jack as did Jack.

“Who are they?” She eyed Anna and myself as we sat there awkwardly.

“That’s Kat,” Finn pointed at me, “And that’s Anna. They’re friends of ours.”

“You’re both very pretty. Especially you.” She was staring at me smiling.

“Oh, thank you gorgeous.” She smiled at me and hugged us both before leaving.

As she ran out a gorgeous blonde woman walked in and I guessed that was their Mum.

“Oh. Hello. I didn’t know we had guests.” I stood up and shook her hand as did Anna.

“It’s nice to meet you Mrs Harries. I’m Kat, this is Anna.” She shook our hands and smiled.

“Please. Call me Rebecca. You’re both gorgeous. How come you’ve never had these two around before boys? Oh and what happened to your wrist?” They both looked embarrassed and I could them blushing.

“Well, these two only met me yesterday and Anna today. As for the wrist Finn here tripped accidentally at the airport and I sprained my wrist.”

“Finn!” She didn’t look pleased.

“It’s okay, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

She smiled. “Are you girls staying for dinner? You’re more than welcome to!” I looked at the clock and it read 4.

“Sure. That would be nice. Anna only moved in a month ago and myself yesterday so we don’t have much food at the moment.”

“I’ll be more than happy to take you shopping if you need! I know were the best and cheapest supermarket is.”

I smiled. “Okay. Thanks. Do you need any help with dinner?”

She smiled at me. “Only just met her and she’s offering to help cook. How come you boys never offer?” She smacked them on the back of the heads and Anna and I laughed.

“Thank you darling.” I walked downstairs into the kitchen area with her followed by Anna, leaving Jack and Finn behind.


I watched Kat as she followed my Mum into the kitchen and Finn laughed.

“I don’t have a crush on her.” He said using his fingers as quotation marks and I smacked him.

“I don’t!”

“Oh come on! You can’t keep your eyes off of her. She’s stunning. She’s funny, adorable, sings, plays guitar. She’s perfect.”

“Seems like i’m not the only one who “likes” her.” He laughed.

“Nah man. Don’t reverse this onto me. We’re not talking about me right now. You should ask her out.”

I choked on my tea as I took a sip.

“I’ve known her for a day. I think that’s a bit too soon to date someone. I want to suss her out. Get to know her first.”

I looked at the computer. “Okay, this video is going to take forever to process so let’s go see what the girls are doing.”

We walked downstairs quietly and sat at the bench with Anna.

“So, you girls don’t have accents from around here. Where are you from?”


“Oh no way.” I watched my Mum and Kat have a conversation while Finn talked to Anna.

“What part?” I interrupted and mum and Kat looked at me.


“Oh, we have a friend from there. She’s a YouTuber called Kimmi Smiles.”

“I know her! Met her through a friend of mine who knows her. She’s sweet.”

“Yeah. She stayed here with us for a while.”

“Cool.” She smiled and turned back to the food and I saw my Mum wink at me.

I shook my head and mouthed ‘no’ at her.

“Are you girls single?” I saw Kat choke on a piece of the chicken she had picked out and mum handed her some water.

“Both of us are. Kat broke up with her boyfriend a month or two ago though.”

I saw her turn around to her friend as her eyes turned into slits.

I guess she didn’t like talking about her ex, why I didn’t know though. She looked quite upset at the mention of him though.

“Bad break up?”

“Mum!” I shook my head at her.

“Um.. yeah. We ended on bad terms. He was a prick to be honest.” She covered her mouth.


“It’s okay.” Mum smiled at her.

“Looks like dinners ready.” I took a whiff and I melted.

“Smells amazing.” Kat grabbed the plates to set up the table but I snatched them.

“You already helped cook, let Finn and I set the table.” I handed him the plates and grabbed the forks.

We all grabbed our own dinner from the middle and dug in and it was the best dinner i’d ever had.

My Dad took over the ‘questioning session’ from Mum.

“So tell us about your families. Anna?”

She swallowed her food. “Um, well my family is back in Australia as well. Mum and Dad are split and I have two older brothers. Don’t see my Dad anymore.”


“I have two younger brothers, twins actually, and an older brother.”

“How old are you both?”

“We’re both 18.” Anna replied.

“What are you both doing over here?”

I chimed in. “Dad. Let the poor girls eat!” Kat laughed.

“It’s fine.”

“I’m over here working in a boarding school for girls just as a gap year thing.”

“I’m here to study Photography and pursue some music stuff.”

“Music stuff?”

“I post covers online and have been for almost 2 years now and someone from Columbia Records saw my stuff and they wanted to work with me this year in between University.”

“That’s great. Does that mean you sing?”

She giggled nervously. “Yes.”

“Maybe when we’re eating dessert you can play some stuff for us.” She looked incredibly nervous.

“Uh, sure.”


It came time for dessert and I had to say I was enjoying the company of Jack and Finn’s family.

“If you want me to sing I need to get my guitar out of the car.” I head out and as I got out the door I shook from the cold.

I felt something go on my shoulders and as I looked back Jack had placed his coat on me.

“Thanks.” He walked out with me.

“You have a great family. They’re all very kind.”

“I’m sure your family are nice.” I laughed.

“Yeah. Well, they don’t care too much for the choices i’ve made and do make and they act like they’re interested in my life but I bet they’ve already forgotten me.”

Jack put his finger under my chin and turned my face upward so I was looking at him.

“Well, if it’s any consolation i’m pretty sure my parents have already adopted you and Anna into our family.” I smiled and hugged him.


I opened the boot of the car and he grabbed my guitar for me and I smiled. He was too nice. I hoped that he wasn’t too good to be true.

“Okay let’s get inside.” He wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and let me through the door first.

He took his jacket and hung it up for me at the door.

“I just need to warm my fingers up a little otherwise I can’t play.”

A few minutes later my fingers were warm and I pulled out my guitar.

“Anyone have any suggestions?” I asked while tuning my guitar.

“Taylor Swift!” shouted their little sister enthusiastically.

“Taylor Swift I can do.”

I started plucking the tune to one of her slower songs. It was the acoustic version of State of Grace from her new album.

I always closed my eyes when I got really into a song and when I opened them halfway through the song I noticed everyone just staring at me in awe.

Jack and Finn both had smiles on their faces and it made me smile.

I plucked the final chords and the all applaud my performance.

“Wow.” Said Jack and Finn in sync.

“Woooooooow.” said Emmy.

“You have a beautiful voice Kat.”

“Absolutely stunning!” exclaimed their parents.

“Thank you so much.”

I felt my cheeks growing red from blushing at the compliments.

“I’m sure your parents must be proud of how talented you are.”

I looked down and I felt Anna’s hand go on my back.

“Um.. yeah. Sorry, where’s your bathroom?”

“Oh, just down there sweetheart.”

“Thanks.” I walked off in the direction she had pointed out and shut the door behind me.

“Breathe. Just breathe.” I could see my eyes beginning to water and I looked up to stop the tears.

I know before with the Skype call and phone call from my family before sounded nice but that was the nicest they had ever been to me.

I had stopped myself from crying and once I took a deep breath I walked back out.

“Sorry about that.”

“No, i’m sorry if I said something I shouldn’t have.”

“It’s not your fault. It’s just.. it’s a complicated situation with my family and it just brings up some built up emotions.”

I smiled and looked down as a tear fell and I wiped it away quickly.

“I’m sorry. This is such a terrible first impression. I’m not always such and emotional wreck I promise.” They laughed.

“Your first impression was great.” Rebecca smiled at me.

I checked my phone for the time and saw it was 9 o’clock.

“Well, Anna and I should probably head off. I have a gig tomorrow early in the morning so I need to sleep and get my jet lag in check. Thank you so much for your amazing hospitality. You guys are very kind.”

We hugged Rebecca and Emmy but shook their Dad, Andy’s hand.

“We should be off to bed too. Goodnight Jack. Goodnight Finn.” Their parents kissed them each on the cheek and wandered off.

“Well, today was great. Thank you so much guys and Finn. You’re really cool, just sucks we got off to a bad start.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” He laughed and pulled me into a hug while Jack did the same to Anna before swapping.

“Thank you for coming. I know it must’ve been weird meeting up with us after you only met us for a brief second yesterday.”

“You guys seemed cool, even Finn,” he rolled his eyes and smiled, “it was good getting to know you better.”

“Oh, when and where’s your gig tomorrow? I wanna come.” I smiled and wrote down the details on a piece of paper.

He hugged me once more before we left and he snuck in a cheeky kiss on my cheek leaving me blushing. It also made me nearly trip down the stairs.

As soon as we got through the door Anna and I lit the fire and pulled out the couch, turning it into a bed and we fell asleep with the thought of these twins on our minds.