Status: Drabble



He sits in his chair with his long legs crossed and softly sucking on his right index finger, his eyes closed as the sun lightly bathes his milky white skin. I watch the way his naked body leans against the back of the chair like he's an exhibit at a fancy art gallery. He does look like an ivory statue, so pale and perfect. His facial features alone are a work of art: the strong jawline, the feline eyes, the slightly rounded nose and the heart shaped lips... He's too breath taking to be real. Yet, I can see his chest gently rising and falling, so he breathes. He breathes, so he must be a living creature.

His eyelids flutter open and my heart is barely beating. I can feel those eyes piercing right through me and looking into my soul. I feel ravaged, raped, violated as his gaze is upon me, so mysterious yet attentive. It's like he reads my thoughts...

"Come a little closer", he merely mumbles, removing his finger from his mouth, his piercing gaze still upon me.

I feel compelled to obey, like I'm under some sort of odd enchantment.

"Y-yes, sir."

I try to ignore the fact that he's completely naked and focus on his face and his face alone.

"Remove your dress", he commands, his voice a mere whisper. But the tone is rather assertive.

Once again, I do not so much as blink as I follow his instructions. My simple white dress pools around my ankles and soon my underwear joins. He simply looks at me with those feline brown eyes that I just can't read.

He stretches out his hand and brushes his fingertips very softly against my skin. I shiver under his touch as he barely brushes my breasts, all the way down to my belly button and back up again, at an excruciatingly slow pace.

"You tremble", he accurately points out, grinning "why do you tremble?"

I do not answer. He is now drawing circles and figure eights on my abdomen and I can feel the pit of my stomach being flooded with an oddly hot feeling that descends, gracing my womanhood with pleasurable trembles.

He lets out what sounds like a sarcastic laugh, accompanied by a sly grin. He looks magnificent like this. Such a devilish pure white sculpture...

"You're sinful", he confesses "I can't possibly dare risk losing my life over you."

I'm not entirely sure what he meant. It does not matter.

I don't care if the Lord punishes us both for giving in to sin, I urge for this sin. My body aches for more of his touch as his fingertips linger on my waist.

"We mustn't."

In an unexpected move, his hand moves up to my face, resting on my left cheek, so warm and gentle. Slowly, very slowly, he moves his hand over my mouth, the index finger that he had previously sucked on now massaging my bottom lip. I gasp and he takes the chance to carefully place three fingers inside of my mouth, taking his left hand and placing it on the back of my neck, gripping somewhat firmly.

I moan as he thrusts his long thin fingers in and out of my mouth and I can see how his eyes are clouded with pleasure.

"Good job, angel."

He removes his fingers from my mouth and I shudder, as if I'm begging for more, murmuring Thank you, Kibum. I then feel his lips upon mine, but only for a second, in a rather pure and chaste kiss.

"The Lord will forgive us."

And he closes his eyes yet again, leaning back on his chair, and goes back to being a pure ivory sculpture.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh, well.