Status: New Story

A Blessing or a Curse

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen: Run into You

That same night I couldn’t sleep. Maybe it was the hoo-hoo coming from the owls outside or perhaps the crickets’ constant chirps or the fact it was a full moon. As a wolf naturally my senses had been on edge, I was extra alert and felt more alive. My wolf was itching to get out and dying to go for a run. It was a full moon most wolves would be out right now. Oncle probably would if the incident with Richie hadn’t happened two days ago.
I kicked my duvet off and walked over to my balcony and just stared at the moon. It was a windy night and the cool breeze sent shivers down my spine. I stretched and yawned, my eyes still on the moon.

My wolf was getting more and more restless inside me. She desperately wanted to be out. A full moon was the time we were at our strongest, at our peak. But I was wasting it away by trying to fall asleep and staring at the dark sky.
Maybe I could sneak out for an hour or two and let loose? They wouldn’t even notice I’m gone.

I made my way into my room to see what time it was. 1: 13 a.m. I most definitely had time to go for a run. On Sundays my family woke up late anyway, around 10:30 just so we could get to church on time at 11:45.
I was just in a white tank top and some Hello Kitty underwear, so I threw on a pair of blue Hollister shorts that I assumed I’ve outgrown because it didn’t cover my ass as well as it used to and I put on a black bra underneath my tank top. I arranged my hair into a messy ponytail and slipped on some blue flip flops.
I jumped off my balcony and gracefully landed on my two feet and slipped away into the woods.

Once I was about three miles deep into the green forest I slipped out of my clothes and folded them neatly under a rock near a tree and shifted into my white wolf. For a while I just trotted through the forest passing by three or four wolves in my pack. It was a full moon out so more than half the pack would be out for a run.

I soon I began to jog a bit faster, and pace quickened into a run and that quickened into a sprint. I was faster than ever. I ran at an unexplainable speed. Something only wolves and vampires were capable of. I ran like this for an hour or two. No where really in mind. I just kept going, running as fast as my hind legs would allow when a sour scent hit my snout.
I halted immediately. The scent was unfamiliar and foul. I recognized it right away and without thought a low growl exited my mouth. Vampires; cold-blooded, dirty, soulless leeches.
Vampires were the worse types of being out there. Just blood-thirsty creatures who wandered the world without a soul, sucking the life out of helpless, innocent humans. They made me sick to my stomach. I’ve seen a few throughout my lifetime. And each one I’ve met was a heartless and dark creature.

What were they doing on Arctos territory, werewolf territory? They knew better than to come fuck around on the second largest pack in America’s territory. I looked at my surroundings when I realized they were unfamiliar.
I cursed myself and whimpered. They weren’t on Arctos territory. I wasn’t either. I didn’t realize I’d been running so mindlessly that I ended up outside out borders. I wanted to shoot myself for being so irresponsible and careless.
Werewolf law states that if a vampire/rogue/ or hunter kills a werewolf out of pack territory, who left their pack’s territory willingly it’s to be forgotten and an Alpha cannot retaliate unless it is a mate. Unless it is the Alpha or someone who left territory on vacation or important business; pack-related or not.
What a shitty fucking law. What a shitty ass fucking stupid ass idiotic ass fucking law. I didn’t have an excuse to be off my pack’s lands so if I was murdered right here and right now by someone who isn’t a pack member its okay.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I most definitely landed myself in some deep shit.

The scent was slowly getting stronger and closer. Shit. I had no clue where I was or how I even managed to get out of my lands so quickly. I eyed my surroundings carefully and sniffed out which way was back to my pack’s lands.
West. Go Northwest.

But that’s where the foul scent was coming from too, and getting closer by the second. It smelt awful. If I took the risk and tried to go that way I might bump into the bloodsucker coming from that direction.

I wondered if it realized I was here, if it picked up my scent or not. Vampires sense of smell wasn’t as nearly as advanced or strong as ours. But eventually he’d catch my stench. Well to it, it was probably stench.
I let out a shaky sigh that came more out as a whimper in my wolf form. I really didn’t want to stay here or risk the chances of bumping into the wolf so I decided to go east.
I ran at a pace just above a jog and kept going until the scent was completely gone. It took about seven miles east to get rid of the scent. I walked through the evergreen forest saying prayers in my mind. I prayed to God that I wouldn’t bump into a vampire, hunter or rogue.
I was once again being irresponsible and mindlessly walking, my thoughts focused on prayers to God when I soon found myself lost. Completely and utterly lost. I had no clue where my territory was from here.

I let out a small whimper and dragged myself around. I continued walking in which I thought was the correct direction but in all honesty I had no clue. I wasn’t even sure if I was in New York anymore. I probably crossed borders and ended up in Connecticut or Massachusetts.
As I was walking I stepped on something metal which instantly snapped and enclosed my right forward leg causing me to let out a howl of pain. I collapsed the ground and whined in pain. I used my other forward leg to kick off what seemed like some animal trap. I hissed in pain once I felt the trap tighten around my leg.

‘Can this get any worse?’ I thought to myself.
Once I finally got it off after about twenty minutes of managing to make the trap tighter or my wound deeper I shook my forward leg trying to shake off some pain and limped on.
Sadly, real life werewolves weren’t like in the movies. We didn’t heal as fast and lightening like others did in books and movies. Only cuts or bruises or small scratches healed in a matter of minutes. This wouldn’t heal for about several hours.

I kept going and hoped and wished that God would send an Angel or a saint to guide me in the right direction.

After about two hours of being pathetically lost I tried to mind link Ashelle and a few other friends I had in my pack but the connection was too weak. Merde, I cursed in French.
I found myself in front of a clearing that resembled a little neighborhood, completely surrounded by trees and woodland. There were six wooden old houses, side by side by side. They were more like wooden cottages, ones you’d see by a lake or something. Which made me wonder if there was a lake nearby. I was beyond parched and needed something to soothe my throat.

“Who are you?” a deep, robust voice snarled. I turned to my side to see a fairly handsome guy who could be no older than 20.
His dark blue eyes narrowed at me and his lightly tanned face scrunched up in a glare and snarl. He looked unkempt, his dark hair all tousled and messed up and dirt smeared across his bare and muscular chest. He was only wearing some light blue jean shorts that hung lowly on his narrow hips. I noticed he had a tattoo on his upper right arm, right under his shoulder. One of a russet colored wolf with dark blue eyes that matched his and a foreign symbol. I narrowed my eyes at it and wondered where I’ve seen it before, it looked so familiar.
“I’m not going to ask you again,” he growled taking a step toward me which made me step back. “Who are you?”

His voice was low and dangerous which caused me to whimper out. I was far too tired and far too discouraged and in too much to fight anyone. I would’ve shift to explain to him I was just a lost girl who needed help to get back home but I didn’t have clothes and I didn’t need him seeing me naked.

He clenched his fist and took a big step toward me making me step back slowly, being careful not to irritate my leg. His jaw was clenched and his lips in a straight line causing his prominent cheek bones to pop out even more.
“Alabaster?” a familiar voice came from behind a few trees. Just then my mate’s best friend walked out of them, he too shirtless and dirtied up. “What’s going…?”
He trailed off and brought his dark brown eyes to me. “Lolita? Is that you?” his faced formed into a puzzled look as he stepped closer.
I just whimpered and nodded my head weakly. I was exhausted. “What’re you doing here?”
I just let out a whimper and lie on the ground and let out a tired yawn. “C’mon. I’ll take you to Carter.” He nodded his head toward the mini neighborhood.

I instantly shot up and trotted closer to Valentino waiting for him to lead me to my mate. I had a lot to ask him.
The guy who Valentino called Alabaster gave me and Valentino to confused looks. “Alabaster, this is Lolita. Carter’s mate. Look at eyes. You can tell.” Valentino said basically answering a question the guy, Alabaster never asked.
Alabaster looked me in the eyes and his dark blue ones slightly widened in shock. He gave me a sheepish smile and raised his eyebrows innocently and apologetically. “I’m sorry…had I known I wouldn’t have been so…rude.”
I just gave him a weak nod letting him know he was forgiven. If a strange wolf came onto my land I wouldn’t be so courteous either.
“Do you have any clothes?” Valentino asked me.

I just shook my head and he motioned for me to follow him. I slowly limped behind him as they led me closer to the little neighborhood, I assume they inhabited. They led me in front of the center house and Valentino turned toward me. “Wait, out here.”

Alabaster and Valentino walked in the house and I waited patiently outside. The wooden cottage was really small and quaint looking. The dark logs that built up the cottage were disheveled and uneven and the roof was slightly caved in and crooked. Nonetheless it looked sturdy and safe enough to be in. It was sort of like a house, it had a light brown front deck, which somehow matched the dark wooden color of the rest of the house, and steps leading up to the brown front door. The front deck had an old rocking chair with a red, tattered blanket on it. I wish I could shift and just fall asleep rocking myself and cuddled in the blanket.
I looked toward the sky. The moon faded slightly and the sky was a darker blue opposed to the regular black it was at night. The sun would be out in just an hour most likely. Fuck. It’d be morning in a matter of a few hours.

I sighed, when my aunt and uncle wake up, I’d have my fair share of explaining to do if I’m not home in time. I regretted sneaking out for a run. No, I regret being careless and stupid. The last thing I needed was lecture in French about how the kids in France never act like this and how I should be more careful and never sneak out and a bunch of pointless shit. I’d probably get my phone taken away as well. Maybe even a slap to the face. I groaned internally. I haven’t been hit since I was a kid. I did not wanna go back to that.
Just then the front door of the cute house opened and a tired and shirtless Carter jogged out of the house and in front of me with Alabaster and Valentino behind him.
Carter wrapped his arms around my neck and I whimpered lightly and closed my eyes inhaling his scent. He smelt so fucking good. His chocolaty scent mixed with a spice I couldn’t put my finger on, but it was mouth watering.

He pulled away and kissed the tip of my snout. “Shift.” He mumbled tiredly. I could tell he had just been awoken. His sleepy voice was to die for sexy. He placed a dark red football jersey with the number 5 on it and the words ‘Maldro Knights’ on it on the ground. “Shift and change into this.” He ordered.

He turned around and so did Valentino and Alabaster giving me some privacy. I let my body shrink into my naked human form and put on his football jersey that was loose on me and fell down right below my ass. If I even moved a little, you’d get clear view of my butt.
I clutched my bleeding wrist to my chest and sighed, “You can turn around now.”
All three guys turned and faced me instantly. “Thanks for bringing her to me boys. I’ll take her from here.”
Both Valentino and Alabaster nodded at me and Carter and made their way to another cottage next to Carter’s. Carter yawned and stretched his muscle flexing slightly and his abs shining beautifully in the moonlight.

He looked so irresistible. His chest was perfectly chiseled and had a tattoo deep red rose on his right peck with a quote in script in a language I couldn’t understand, I assumed Portuguese. His eight-pack was intense and literally perfect. The guy looked fucking photo shopped.
He had on grey sweatpants that hung low on his waist which gave me a perfect view of the V-line he had at his hips.
I so badly wanted to jump on him and devour him completely but my lack of never, exhaustion and pain wouldn’t let me.

He loosely dropped his arm around my shoulder and led me into his house/ cabin/ cottage, his arms holding me tight. We entered his cottage and we entered was the living room area. It was messy, like the typical home of a guy. The wooden floors needed to be swept and the brown couch had a few wrappers and some other garbage on it and he had another couch, a black one the obviously didn’t come from the same set as the other which was just as messy. His coffee table had dirty mugs, empty beer bottles, and some papers on it; he even had some magazines thrown carelessly about on his couch, floor and coffee table; car, sports and a few playboy ones as well.

He had a brick wall that had an unlit fireplace and a 25 inch flat screen TV right above it, and next to it a small bookshelf no taller than four feet filled with books. And on top of the shelf were a few pictures and picture frames. His walls were full of pictures, of him as a child, teenager, and a few as him now and a bunch of unfamiliar faces that I’d ask about later.
He lived a modest lifestyle. I could tell. He brought me past the living room and into a small kitchen/ dining room area. He sat me at a small round table with four wooden chairs surrounding it. He made his way to a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of alcohol and some wipes, some cream and gauze.

I cringed slightly biting my bottom lip, anticipating the pain soon to come. He brought his medical supplies to the table I was seated at and gently took my hand in his and examined the wound on my wrist. The bleeding had stopped but the wound was dirty and an ugly sight to see.
He worked on my wound silently and wrapped it up when he was done. “What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here?” I echoed his question. ‘Did he live here? Was this his home?’ is what I really meant by my question.
“I live here, Lolita. Now answer me please.” He got up and put everything back where it belonged.
“I was out for a run and sorta got lost.” I told him sheepishly. “I got here accidently and Valentino and that other guy Alabaster and I bumped into each other and brought me here.”
“How did you get hurt?” he opened his fridge and pulled out some apple juice and poured some into two glasses.
“Stepped in some sort of an animal trap.” I took the cup from his hand drank up all the liquid savoring the taste. I shivered slightly as the cool liquid traveled slowly down my hot and dry throat. It felt good to have something to drink.
He sat next to me and sighed taking my unharmed hand in his. “Why were you out for a run so late?”
“Full moon.” I answered and he just nodded understandingly. All wolves had an itch and urge to run during a full moon. It was natural.
“I’m glad I went out for a run sort of,” I said slightly nervous, brushing my brown hair behind my ear. “I ran into you.”
He gave me a weak, tired smile and shook his head. “Well technically you ran into Valentino and Alabaster.”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “You know what I mean.”
“Well, come on.” He stood me up and led me into a tiny hallway that only had two doors, and led me into one.
I assumed this was his room. There was an unmade bed with a corner table with a glass vase with some roses in it, a nightstand, a small dresser and a closed door, which I assumed led to a closet, a desk with a few textbooks and papers and notebooks on it and a small flat screen TV.
He led me onto the bed where he plopped down next to me his elbow over his eyes and the other one above his head as he readied himself for bed. I felt guilty for waking him up, but he was so damn cute I almost didn’t regret it.
“Carter…I have to get back home.” I poked his chest trying to get his attention.
“No you don’t.” he protested stubbornly and he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him.
I rolled me eyes and poked him harder with three fingers to add more pressure. “Yes I do…I need to get there before my aunt and uncle wake up.”
He opened his eyes and looked over at the digital clock on his nightstand, it read 4:55. “It’s only 5 in the morning. I doubt they’ll be up soon.”

He was right; they wouldn’t wake up for another 5 hours now that I thought of it. It still worried me though. I never snuck out for the whole night before. Especially with a boy. If they knew about this they’d murder me. Even if he was my mate.

“Just come sleep.” He opened his right arm for me to snuggle against.
I debated putting up a fight but realistically speaking they wouldn’t get out of bed until 10-10:30, and even then they wouldn’t come into my room and bother me. They’d come in at 11:30 and ask if I was going to mass with them. I usually didn’t but every now and then I’d agree. I was being paranoid. They wouldn’t notice I snuck out.

I sighed and cuddled close to his side, my head lying on his bare chest and my injured arm cradled against my chest and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders making me melt.
I sighed contently at how right this felt. I felt so safe and at peace in his arms. It was so natural. I felt my wolf jumping for joy as we snuggled ourselves in our mates arms. “I have to be home by 7:30, okay?”
“Okay baby.” He yawned out and covered us with a light blanket. I shiver went up my spine when he called me baby and I couldn’t help but blush. I loved his pet names for me. “Goodnight.” He kissed the top of my forehead sending an electric shock throughout my body.
“Sweet dreams Carter,” I said softly snuggling my head closer to him. He reached over and shut the light off on his nightstand and we were surrounded by darkness. Almost instantly my mind and body gave into my exhaustion and fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, so sorry I lied and didn't update on Thursday. Opps. My bad. Well here is chapter 13 in this is my favorite one so far. I hope you guys like it.

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