Sequel: Chemical Records
Status: On a short hiatus due to band requirements, until approx 13th July!

London's Calling

Meet Bert! (And Jeph and Adam...)

Frank had kissed me. Sure, he was drunk, but it must have meant something. I mean, he is crying now. I kissed back, the idiot.
"'M sorry..." Frank's voice was quiet and shaky, "We can still be friends right?" He was still crying, and still hadn't turned back to face me.
"Hey," I tried to get his attention so he would turn around again, "Hey Frankie..." Still nothing. I got a bit closer to him, "Frankiiieee," I poked him in the shoulder. He looked around, thank god, but his face was tear stained and it broke my heart. I smiled lightly and wiped the fresh tears from his eyes, gaining a confused look from Frank. I then decided it was my turn. I placed my lips lightly on top of Frank's, my eyes fluttering closed. I, all too soon, pulled away, to reveal a shocked expression on the beautiful face in front of me.
"What was that for?" He asked, voice still shaking.
"That was to show you, that kissing me was not a mistake, and definitely not something to cry over," He smiled, new tears falling down his cheeks. "Why are you still crying?"
"I just... I'm so happy, does this mean you like me?"
"I'm pretty sure I do Frankie, especially now," I pulled him into a hug, which felt perfect.
"I... I like you too," He was shaking as I held him close.
"C'mere," I let him go, and signalled for him to sit on my lap. Once he had sat, I wrapped my arms around him, placing my head on his shoulder and giving him a kiss on the cheek. "So, dinner tomorrow still on?" He grinned, nodding his head. "Good," I beamed, snuggling my head into his neck.
"Guys! Are you the ones cooking pizza? Oh uhm, sorry to disturb you guys, but the oven wasn't shutting up..." That was Mikey's voice, I looked up and smiled.
"Thank you Mikey, we lost track of time, sorry!"
"Ugh, s'ok, just come get it yeah?"
"Yeah, of course," I patted Frank's sides, "Come on Frankie, pizza time!"
"But I'm comfy..."
"Me too, but we need to eat,"
"Buuuuttt why,"
"I won't kiss you again if you don't get up!" With that he jumped up.
"That was mean!"
"Yes, but you wouldn't have gotten up otherwise, plus it's nice to know how much you enjoyed that kiss," I winked, grabbing his hand and entwining our hands together.
"Well, can I have another then?"
"Once we prevent the pizzas from burning to a crisp, maybe."
"Heyyy, I want a promise!" We were now in the kitchen anyway, I unlinked my hand from his, and grabbed the oven gloves I had found on the side. I noticed that Mikey, or Ray, had turned off the oven, so there was thankfully no burnt pizza.
"And why do you want a promise Frankie?" I bent over, feeling Franks eyes on me as I grabbed the first pizza out the oven.
"Because you might run off after tonight, never giving me even another kiss!" I could hear him shaking, fuck I better not have made him cry again...
"Nonono! Frankie I am not going to do that!" I had placed the first pizza on the cooling rack, so I ran over to Frankie, pulling him into a hug, and covering his face with small kisses. I heard a giggle come from him.
"Hey! I thought I asked for one kiss! Not loads!"
"You complaining?"
"Guess not..."
"Then shh silly," I pecked him on the lips, before turning back and grabbing the other pizza, placing it on the cooling rack. "Do you know where the plates are Frankie?"
"Course I do! This one!" He opened a cupboard near to the oven, producing two plates from inside. I grabbed Ray's pizza cutter from the utensil pot that was sat next to the hob. After we had our pizzas, we went back outside again. It was almost nine, and was getting dark, but was still warm. As we sat at the table, three people I didn't know walked outside, but Frank grinned and jumped up straight away.
"Ahh guys! I haven't seen you all in ages!" One of the guys, who had long black hair, pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his forehead. My eyes narrowed at the sight, Frankie was mine.
"I've missed you shortass!"
"Hey! Fuck you Bert!"
"So you've missed me too?" The 'Bert' guy laughed.
"Yeah, but I am not that short!"
"You kinda are," Another unknown voice added in, he had short black hair with a long fringe, covered in a hat. Frank just stuck his tongue out in response.
"Ohoh! Guys! This is Gerard!" He ran over to me, leaning over my back and wrapping his arms around my neck. "Gerard, this is Jeph, Bert and Adam!" So, Jeph was the guy with the hat, and Adam, who hadn't spoken, had chin length brown hair. "They're from uni!" I covered his tattooed hands with mine. I turned a little and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek, making him blush.
"Hey guys! Nice to meet you!" I smiled, although I had been almost jealous of Bert at first, if these guys are friends of Frankie's, they are probably cool, so I have to give them the benefit of the doubt. They luckily all smiled back, Bert giving a wave along with it, boy, this guy was flamboyant. I liked him already. They all turned and went back inside, obviously to talk with everyone else.
"Frankie, do you have any ciggies left?" I turned to face him, raising an eyebrow. I had finished my pizza, and a cigarette sounded great. I removed my hands from Franks, reaching for my drink.
"Ugh, I have one left..." He said, after disappointingly dropping the pack back into his pocket.
"Do ya' wanna go to the shop with me after you've finished your pizza?"
"Oh yeah, there is a place near here actually, so that's good," He smiled, sitting back in his own chair to continue his pizza. Whilst waiting for him I managed to finish my latest drink, and could feel it starting to take its effect.
After me and Frank had put our washing up away, we went through to the living room to let everyone know we were going to the shop, and ask if anyone wanted anything whilst we were out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here! I have written it! Just for you all! (I hope you like it, I was ill as hell whilst writing this, so if it's kinda crappy I apologize!)
Sooo, this was written to have as little drama as possible, and I tried! I think that plan went quite well...
They aren't quite officially together yet, but god are they fluffy and cute.
Anyway! Enjoy! I've gotta go work on more chapters, for this and (now two) others I am currently working on!
Feedback is loved!
All my love,