Sequel: Chemical Records
Status: On a short hiatus due to band requirements, until approx 13th July!

London's Calling

To the coffee shop!

I had gone to sleep quite early yesterday, after almost falling asleep to whatever documentary I had drowsily put on the television. I looked over at the alarm clock on the side table. It was about quarter past ten, thank God I had remembered to turn that off, even if I was almost
sleepwalking before I got in bed last night. I reached over to grab my phone, removing its charger lead. I had three messages. One was from Ray asking if I was going to a show later, which I wasn't, unfortunately. I hadn't bought tickets because it started before I had even finished work, and at that point I thought I would be working today. The other two were from Gerard. One was him telling me no coffee was spilt on his train this morning, and that I should have been there in a really sarcastic, yet jokey way. The second was telling me how much of a 'lazy ass' I was, because I wasn't up, yet he was at work. It did make me smile, a good boost to start what felt like a great weekend ahead. I replied to the texts and put my phone back on the table. I stretched out, before heading to the bathroom. I was showered and ready half an hour later.
I grabbed my wallet, deciding the cleaning could come second, and that I needed more food, that was actually dinner worthy, rather than cheese sandwiches and beans on toast.

It wasn't that much of an interesting time at the shop, I had picked up a few bits and pieces to keep me going for the next week and a new pack of cigarettes. I received a text on my way home, whilst I was sitting on a bus.

Sender: Gerard
What are you doing? Work is deserted *sigh* x

Reply to: Gerard
Just been to the shop, nothing extravagant :P x

I heard the bus announce that the next stop was mine, so pressing the bell I got up and grabbed the shopping bags, ready to get off. As I stepped off the bus, I heard someone shout my name. I turned to see Ray with Charlie. Smiling, I walked over to them.
"Hey guys," I gave as much of a wave as I could with my hands covered in shopping bags, " Aren't you supposed to be at work Ray?"
"Nah, got my shift later," He stated, smiling. Ray worked at a small recording studio, close to where I worked.
"Where's Lilith?"
"She's with Mikey today, you know, the guy you saw with us the other day?" Charlie chimed in.
"Oh yeah, should of guessed really!" I chuckled. Both the girls had Fridays off, which was nice when me and Ray were free too. It was like a three day weekend of hanging out together, acting like complete idiots as we always are.
"You're very happy today, Frankie," Charlie smiled, "And not I've just I've been to the shop happy, very happy," She giggled. This made me realise that I had been grinning like an idiot the whole time.
"You were even smiling to yourself on the bus as you passed us, completely missing us!" Ray added. I blushed a little, and tried to hide the fact.
"I don't know, just in a good mood, maybe it's the day off," I passed off an excuse, that I knew wasn't the real reason, they weren't allowed to know yet, because I didn't even know if we'd end up being more than friends. With a guy that beautiful, I doubt he'd date me if he is gay anyway.
"Well that is true," Ray interrupted my thoughts, "Unexpected days off are the best ones!" He grinned, and Charlie nodded in agreement, smiling.
"Do you wanna come get some coffee or something?" Ray asked.
"Only if you come back to mine quickly, so I can put my shopping away, and make it a quick coffee, I have a bit of cleaning to do today," they both agreed, and we started walking back to my house.
As I had unlocked my front door and walked into the hall, with Charlie and Ray following, they suddenly bolted like children too the living room. As I was putting the bags down in the kitchen, I could here the two arguing over what to put on tv. You'd think they were settling in for the day!
I put everything away in it's dedicated spots in the kitchen, putting the cigarettes in the back pocket of my jeans. I was done in about ten minutes, after almost arguing with the carrier bags whilst trying to fit them where I kept the others to reuse. I picked my phone and keys up off of the table and shrugged my army style jacket back on after putting the keys and my phone in the front pockets of my jeans. I travelled the short walk to the living room where Charlie and Ray were now watching a music channel, one of the channels they could agree on completely. I informed them that I had done, and was ready to go if they were. The tv was switched back off as they rose from the sofa, holding each others hands as they followed me to the front door.
I locked up as we left and walked down the front path, where the couple were waiting for me on the pavement. As we started walking I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the pack of cigarettes. Taking the plastic wrap off, I opened the box, plucking one out of the pack. Grabbing my beloved lighter out of my top pocket I lit up, inhaling my addiction. As I walked along with Ray and Charlie we talked about Lilith and Mikey, Charlie's uni work and who was recording at Ray's work tonight, along with what was happening tomorrow. I had finished my cigarette just as we were walking past a bin, so I put it out on top of it, before jogging a couple of steps to catch up with the others. We reached the coffee shop quite quickly, each ordering our preferred drinks, mine being a latte with caramel syrup.
Once our orders had been fulfilled, we took them from the counter and grabbed a table for ourselves. Near the window of course, the best for people watching.
As we sat, chatting about whatever, mainly the topic of tomorrow and how good it was going to be, my phone notified me that I had a text, so reached into my pocket and fished it out.

Sender: Gerard
I'm so bored, but only one hour left at work! I'm looking forward to Sunday, it'll be nice to get to know you better, you seem pretty awesome c: x

I smiled as I read the text, and had I looked up, I would have caught Ray and Charlie exchanging looks at my reaction.

Reply to: Gerard
You can do it! *dramatic superhero pose* ahaha, yeah, I'm looking forward to it aswell! And it's also an excuse to give my skateboard some tlc :P x

I sent the reply, and returned to talking with Ray and Charlie. I was sipping my coffee along whilst joining in with the conversation, as it had cooled down to drinking temperature.
"Who was that?" Charlie finally asked.
"Oh, someone I met on the train the other day, really nice guy too," I smiled.
"Aaand?" She continued.
"And nothing! We're meeting up Sunday, but there's nothing to it! Do I have to want to date every guy I meet?" Even though I would like to date Gerard, they didn't have to know that, and there was still the question of if he was gay anyway!
Charlie and Ray laughed at my response.
"Oooh, so you do want him?" Ray chimed in.
"Does it matter if I do? Not every guy I meet is gay you know!"
"Oh but darling I'd turn for you any day," Ray joked with a wink, earning him a slap on the shoulder from Charlie, who had a false shocked look on her face. We all burst into laughter, and I hoped the questioned about Gerard was over. To my luck, it was, and they gave up, for now at least.

After spending an hour at the coffee shop we finally decided to leave, making our way back to our respective homes. I walked with Charlie to the student housing.
"So, do you like this guy you are texting?" Charlie brought up the subject of Gerard again, knowing that I would answer truthfully, now that Ray had left.
"Yeah, I kind of hope he is gay, you know? I haven't had a relationship for three years, and this guy... He's really cool," I smiled, albeit quite shyly.
"Well, I hope it works out for you! If not we can set a date up for you and Mikey's brother, I heard he's gay!" She giggled as I pulled a fake angry face at the last comment.
"I don't just go out with any gay man you find!"
"I know, I know," she said, trying to contain her giggles. We chatted the rest of the way home about how I'd meet him tomorrow anyway, so I could see if I liked him or not, which meant no having to 'set me up' as she put it.
When I got home, I set about cleaning the house, starting with the kitchen. About half way through of mopping the floor, my phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I placed the phone in the crook of my neck so I was able to talk and carry on with my cleaning, even if it was a bit uncomfortable.
"Hi Frank! I was just wondering, do you wanna grab food on Sunday as well?"
"Hm? Oh hey Gerard, sure. Make sure they have some good veggie options though!"
"Oh, you're vegetarian? Ok, I'll find someplace good," he laughed.
"Cool, anyways, I'll have to let you go, I'm cleaning and have just finished mopping the kitchen floor," I replied, putting the mop in the bucket and putting the phone in my hand, instead of at the awkward angle between my shoulder and the side of my head.
"Aw ok, you'd make a great house-husband, cleaning the place," Gerard let out a chuckle.
"Oh thanks," I said sarcastically, "Ok, talk to you later Gerard."
"Okay Frankehh, byyye!" He said enthusiastically, before ending the call.
I smiled, and carried on cleaning the house, a smile stuck on my face. When I had done I decided to carry on with the song I had been writing. I managed to finish the chorus and another verse that I thought sounded pretty good before I decided I should go to bed, seeing as it had already turned Saturday. I already had the melody to the song in my head...

When the lights go out
Will you take me with you?
And carry all this broken bone
Through six years down in crowded rooms
And highways I call home
Is something I can’t know till now
Till you picked me off the ground
With brick in hand, your lip gloss smile
Your scraped up knees

And if you stay
I would even wait all night
Or until my heart explodes
How long?
Until we find our way
In the dark and out of harm
You can run away with me
Anytime you want

Terrified of what I’d be
As a kid from what I’ve seen
Every single day when people try
And put the pieces back together
Just to smash them down
Turn my headphones up real loud
I don't think I need them now
‘Cause you stop the noise...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's almost Sunday technically sorry! But here it is!
Next will be up next week :)
Please keep commenting, it is so appreciated, so I know who is still reading and enjoying!
I love you all!