Status: Please read Author's Note


Too Much

Her body lies sprawled out on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. Small beads of sweat trickle down her forehead even though the air around her is cold. Her small frame begins to shake, nausea consumes her within seconds. She sits up quickly, leaning over the toilet and dry heaves.

There's nothing left inside her.

She rests her head on the edge of the seat, her arms lying over the circle of the bowl. She coughs, internally questioning if the alcohol was worth it.

She's young, but the bottle is already her life.

She depends on it.

Without it no one knows her, it makes her feel important, needed, if only for a moment. She knows what she's risking. Her life and the lives of others, but she won't stop.

Not now. Maybe never.

Alcohol makes her somebody, someone that matters.

Is it worth it? This pain. This fear. This sickness. No, but can she face it? Overcome the feeling of dependence, for she doesn't need it, she never will.

Will she realize that this can be fatal?

Will she realize before it's too late?
♠ ♠ ♠
This story stands alone. I don't think it's as much of a story as it is a reality check.

Everyone, I have personally dealt with alcoholism. I used to party constantly. Take to the bottle every time something went wrong because it make me feel good, but only in that moment. The problems never truly went away. There are other, safer, ways to handle things.

Please, think before you take to the bottle.