Rain & Sunshine

Nothing Mattered

She held the grade in her hand, craving the “82%” with her eyes as if it would suddenly mean something that way. She nervously shifted in her seat. She knew the consequences if she returned home with a low mark like an “82.” Her father would give her the disappointed speech and tell her she could have done a lot better.

“You going to tell me what’s on your mind?” Scarlett turned her gaze to Sarah, her best friend. Sarah already knew the reason for Scarlett’s upset imagery on her face but felt the need to ask.

“I’m in a hell lot of trouble,” Scarlett flipped her test to show her best friend the disappointing mark permanently labelled onto the thin paper.

Sarah rolled her eyes since she heard it a million times. “Tell your dad to fuck off and suck my raw eggs.”

Sarah’s humor was as astonishing as her looks. Her brunette hair flowed down right to her chest. She was short, but only three inches shorter than Scarlett. Without each other, their life would be empty, boring, and plane. They needed each other, ever since they both skipped one day of kindergarten to get ice cream. They knew they were meant to be best friends.

“Where were you this morning?” Sarah asked letting out a yawn.

Scarlett tucked the test into her binder, “I was practicing my violin, couldn’t stand my dad blabbing at home.” She rolled her eyes. “And you won’t believe what happened!”

Sarah quickly awoke from her timid feeling and sat up properly on her seat. “What?”

“Colson talked to me,” Scarlett rubbed in Sarah’s face.

“Colson Baker? THE Colson Baker?” Sarah leaned in even closer to Scarlett.

“Yes that Colson Baker. He walked in on me while I was playing my violin, and he was topless! But nothing happened; he just wanted to know what the sound was and left.”

“Oh my god!” Sarah squealed like a fan girl.

“Will you two be quiet or am I going to have to move the both of you?” Mr.Simpson, their math teacher, who was half asleep, shouted.


“Colson, you have to stop doing this, it’s not right.” Mr.Johnson, the school’s principal strictly said to the boy seated in an impolite way, with his legs wide open and his hands behind the back of his neck playing with his snap-back.

“He deserved it,” Colson shrugged as if nothing in life mattered to him.

Principal Johnson gave him a stare of death. “You put his face into the toilet just because he accidentally bumped into you.”

“He deserved it.” He rolled his eyes.

“Colson, if you don’t stop doing this, you’re going to get suspended! Or maybe even expelled! You got that?” Mr.Johnson’s eyes were even wider this time.

“Yes, now can I leave?” Colson asked without making any eye contact with the man in front of him.

Mr.Johnson couldn’t do anything but roll his eyes at his obnoxious behavior. “Yes and I don’t ever want to see you here for the same problem!”

Even though this was his first time getting caught for putting a boy’s head in the toilet, it wasn’t his first time doing it. Colson Baker had all the power in the school. He was incredibly popular, had many friends, all the girls would do anything just to spend time with him for one night. He was no boyfriend material, he was the forget and on to the next one type of guy. The girls in Albert High were seen as sex toys for him. He’s never the type to fall in love, ever.