Rain & Sunshine

Same hearts, different Lives

She lay on her bed staring at the ceiling, knowing that her dad will return home today evening.

Scarlett created many types of scenery in her head on what will happen if she showed that test to her dad. He was going to leave her heart-broken and unloved like always.

Scarlett flinched from her bed as soon as she heard the door shut. Her dad was home from his business trip, unfortunately.

Scarlett’s mom instantly opened her door. “Scarlett! Your father’s home,” and with that, her mom headed downstairs.

She lazily walked from her room down to the living room where her mom greeted her dad from his one week absence.

“Scarlett, my darling!” Her dad reached out and hugged her tightly. She gave a fake smile and hugged back, knowing his mood is going to change within a few minutes.

“How was New York?” She asked, trying to keep his mind off the test.

“Oh, it’s beautiful! But not as beautiful as you!” It was comments like these that always confused her.

By the time Scarlett and her father were having their own conversation; her mom left them alone and returned to her room.

“So, how did ya do on that test?” His smile was wide, thinking his daughter was some kind of Einstein.

She stared at him in disgust for just a few seconds. It was always about how she did well in school, it’s never about what she achieved or what she’d done. It was always the mark on her paper, and it always determined how much her father actually loved her.

She took a short breath, “I got an eighty-two percent.”

His smile was completely gone. He just got home a couple of minutes ago, and the first thing he cares about is her test.

“Scarlett, what the heck? I thought you studied. I must say, I’m very disappointed in you. How could you be that stupid?”

It was so quiet; Scarlett could hear her own heart shatter into a million pieces.
Her eyes were already filled with tears when her dad didn’t bear to look at her and turned to his back. “I’m sorry,” she quivered.

“Sorry doesn’t fix that eighty-two, now does it?” He shouted as he headed up-stairs.

She didn’t know what to do. Her dad, was by nature, a kind and loving man who would rather die than let anyone harm Scarlett. He was the dad every girl dreamt of having. He knew when to leave a subject alone. He knew exactly when she wanted tea, or a foot rub. He even knew, before Scarlett did, how most bad things would turn out.

But- and there was always a but- that was her dad when there was nothing but the aftermath. He was also the type of dad that most girls would hate to have. He loved Scarlett like a mama bear loved her little cub. There were times when the both of them had their good and bad times. The bad times was only when Scarlett came home with a “bad” mark. He would leave her feeling useless and depressed. He was just to pressuring for her.


Colson is only seventeen years old, trying to figure out why the world is so cold. Why he’s alone and his family is torn apart. He’s hollowed, pained, trying to keep his head high but dying inside whenever he goes home. Every day, Colson puts on a fake face keeping up with his "bad ass" reputation, but inside he just wants someone to understand, to recognize his loss, and be there for him.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP DAD,” He could hear his older sister yelling back to his dad.

“GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!” His dad responded.

There was not a day where his family didn’t fight with each other. He wouldn’t call it family, Just a dad and three of his children doing nothing but get the anger out of each other. Colson’s stomach made a big growl. It was empty since there was no dinner in his house for the past three days.

The door slammed and Colson knew exactly who it was. It was his older brother, Dylan. He was only four years older than him, and the love they have for each other is unexplainable. Dylan was a scary guy, tall, muscular and was in a gang. He’d kill anyone that made him mad, or dared to do anything to Colson.

Colson’s sister, Helen, on the other hand was much different. She was only two years older than Colson and she would constantly run away somewhere and return home within a couple days. Helen doesn’t get along with Colson, Dylan, or their dad. She was impolite, rude, and disgusting. She drinks, smokes, and sniffs cocaine, and the worst part is, she’s five months pregnant and she doesn't even know which guy that impregnated her.

His dad was depressed and angry every day. He was jobless for about six years, counting on his children to feed and take care of him-but heck, they couldn’t even take care of themselves. Colson and his siblings are motherless. His mom ran away with another man when he was only nine years old. The day that changed all of their lives to the worst.

Colson could hear the glass breaking and shouting from his room. The three of them were in their kitchen causing a ruckus, like always. Colson stared at his ceiling, wondering if he would just ever feel loved.