Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me


15 days later-

It was surreal,sitting in the airport waiting for my flight. The guys were waiting with me . They were talking about touring and other boy things. I wasn't nervous or worried,just antsy.
I never thought I would be doing this for Oli. Our one-night stand turned into something he writes about.I knew that the game had to end before we both were destroyed but how could I tell him ?
I was going to Paris so,maybe there. I didn't want to play this game forever .
This was ballsy.
"Does he know?" Tony asked ,we were sitting for about an hour. My flight was delayed.
"No. I texted Matt to warn him and I checked twitter." I answered.
"Are you scared?" Mike took his turn .
"Not really. Just crazy. I mean ,I can't keep this game up. We both have lives and needs."
The guys giggled at the needs part. I just sighed. I was quiet about the whole trip ;the guys were more excited than I was.
They really wanted us together. Hopefully, Oli wanted some sort of future with me. At that point ,I was falling for the tattooed singer and unaware of his feelings.
Finally,my flight was announced. I hugged my friends.
"I'll text you guys ad let you know what's up."
Vic smiled. "You are so in love. We will try and survive without you but don't worry."
Such a sweetheart.

-Six hours later -
I was in the most romantic city ,alone. I was too scared to rent a car so,I took a train to the hotel the guys were staying at.
Matt,Vegan,Jordan and Lee greeted me as soon as I entered the hotel. They told me Oli was out, I told them I wanted to spend some time alone before I met up with Oli.
I got a room and just enjoyed being alone in Paris. A beautiful suite with a huge tub. Bath time.
I came up with my plan as I relaxed.
Oli would be all mine by the end of the week,so I hoped.