Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me

Don't Go

Two months without her-

The longest sixty days of my life. My girlfriend was millions of miles away and I needed her more than half the time. Every time I called,she answered;she was always around .Which made time less lonely.
Four more days until I see her. I was preparing for the show tonight,she said she would call when she had the chance.
"Ya fancy her alot." Vegan noticed. I was looking at the picture of her on my phone.
"I do. " he patted me on the back.
"I'm fallin for her."I sat down on the floor. Vegan joined me.
"She fancies you too."
I smiled. "I know. I'm going to tell her I love her as soon as she's in my arms."
"Good. It's nice to see you happy. "
I told him that I fell for the moment I saw her all those months ago. I didn't know how long we would last and I was really scared to hurt her .
"And this time you're not sick,wanker." He laughed.
Poppy stayed an extra day to nurse me back to health.
I should have told her then but I didn't want her to think it was because she was my doctor.
"Show time ." Vegan stretched and helped me up.
That night ,I was in the middle of "Don't go." When Phil , the guitar tech held up my phone. Poppy. I smiled .
"Hold on kids.Poppy is on the phone !" I announced into the mic after my song. I rushed off stage and answered. Matt found a mic and spoke some words .
"Hey !" She was excited.
"I got a tattoo and I'm boarding the plane now! I will be in Germany tomorrow! I can't wait to show you,Oli. How'd your show?"
"I can't wait. I'm in the middle right now,love."
She was shouting and I was shouting. But her voice was always sweet.
"Fuck. Sorry,go be amazing,dear."
I hung up .
The show went really well.My fans after told me that they were happy for me .
Poppy sent me a picture of her smiling on the plane.
I lover her bright smile. I loved her.
