Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me


One week later-
*about 10 months of "romance"*

Back to tour.
I was excited to have Oli with me this time. We decided to switch buses every couple of shows ,so we can be together and not miss important meetings and whatnot. The guys were okay with that. Vic and Jaime bought their girlfriends too . I think Matt and Jordan were flying the girlfriends in next week.
I finally had some females to talk to while on tour.
Vegas was fun. The girls and guys went our separate ways to clubs and casinos.
I danced and drank Virgin drinks with the ladies. We laughed and embarrassed ourselves.
I liked these girls. Not too into themselves,chill and like me.
On the way back in the cab, Gabi, Jaime's lady told me "Oli is trouble." She was whispering . Bella ,Vic's lady was passed out beside me ,drooling, I might add,on my shoulder.
"Why is a sweet girl like you fucking Oli?" She asked. I giggled. Straight to the point.
"I fell in love." No thought,just answered.
She patted my shoulder ." You two are cute."

Oli was sitting on the bed when I arrived.
I slipped off my heels and dress .
"Babe,you alright?" I asked,playing with his hair.
"Just thinking."
"Had fun?"
He nodded.
"Don't be upset,my dear." I whispered . He hugged me then explained " Do you want to get married?"
I licked my lips. Oh,he was wasted. I played with his hair .
"Some day ,not here,Oli." I answered. He nodded.
He was a quiet,sad drunk which made me feel awful. I took of his shoes and clothes before pulling the covers over us. He hugged me tight as we spooned.
"I am sorry ." He was tearing up. I turned around,still in his embrace.
I held his face ." Babe,don't be sorry ." I kissed him.
Trouble ,yes. Oliver had an awful past and attitude but he was trying to change and not be a jerk. Even if he was a jerk to random people,he was my jerk.
Before I fell asleep that night , I whispered " I love you."
He smirked.