Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me


Two days later-

Oli knew everything about my past and I wasn't scared of freaking him out. He understood me. I loved him more everyday. I even talked to Tony about a future with Oli. The other girls had to leave so,back to girl talk with Tony. He nodded most times and just listened.
I was laying on PTV's floor in the lounge while Tony strummed his acoustic guitar on the couch. I mindlessly sang along as he began to play Redundant by Green Day.
It was around one in the morning and I could hear the guys voices in the kitchen.
"I think you picked the wrong profession,Pop." Tony pointed out. He had stopped and was looking at me. I shrugged.
"I'm too shy and awkward for that." I shrugged,I sat up.
Tony grumbled something then went back to his guitar.
I watched him. I couldn't believe that I was sitting here with Tony.
I looked up to this man and now,he was my best friend telling me I should be a singer.
"I think you should sing with us." Tony stated ,staring at me. He didn't blink. For five minutes we stares at eachother. I bursted into laughter then he followed.
"What are we ten?" I chuckled. He stopped laughing.
"Poppy,I'm serious. How cool would that be? "
"Tony,I haven't sang since I was fifteen." I explained.
"Why?" He groaned and put his guitar down.
I sighed then Oli walked in.
"Hey babe ." He kissed my cheek ,sat down beside me.
"Oli,tell her to sing!" Tony was gettingexhausted with my stubbornness.
Oli looked at me ,tilted his head "ya sing?"
I groaned and fell on my back.
"I used to. I can."
"Babe,sing for me." He urged.
I groaned again then Tony played Redunant again. (Hehe)
Oli loved my voice and he kissed me again.
"You have to sing wif me." Oli pouted. Tony looked at me.
"No!" I shouted then stormed out.
The guys screamed my name.
Jaime ,Vic ,Matt ,Mike and Vegan were sitting at the bench table ,drinking. They waved to me .
"What's up?" Vic asked.
"Going to hide from Tony and Oli." I answered. They laughed.
I kept walking . I wasn't upset,I just wanted to be alone.
I would have to explain and I didn't feel like it.
I entered the BMTH bus . It was empty ,thankful.
I changed into sweats and a tank. Probably Oli's. I found my novel and sat on the floor on the couch and read.

Ten minutes-
Oli and Tony were shouting my name . I groaned.
Oli tackled me then Tony stomped his foot. I swear ,I was back in high school with my friends.
"What won't ya sing? " Oli sat on my thighs .
"I like being a guitar tech ." I answered. Oli groaned and fell on his back. His feet on the sides of my head.
"This girl back in high school told me that no one would want to hear my voice and singing wouldn't bring my dad home." I felt stupid for letting that one girl get to me. "I didn't want to sing again "
The guys looked down ,sadly.
"Sorry." They mumbled.
"It's ok. Maybe one day if I find a song worthy of my voice." I said.
They looked up and smile.
Oh no. Both guys kissed my cheek then exited the bus. I think I just gave them a challenge.