Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me


Next night before the show-

I was nervous. First time in years since I've sang in front of more than three people. The guys and I have been rehearsing my song all day. I knew it by heart and loved it so much.
I hate using perfect but it was. He captured everything I thought and was ,amazingly. The song was beautiful .
I was shaking . Oli rubbed my back." Breathe,you dumb twat." I mumbled under my breath. Oli heard and laughed.
"You will be fine. I love you." He kissed my ear.
Pierce the Veil was finishing up their set . Oli,Tony and I would do the song as an intermission type deal.
Tony wanted to introduced me like the big deal I was.
Fuck. You can do this.

I stepped onto the stage ,hugged the guys then sat on my stool.
One last deep breath.
I sang the song looking at Oli then Tony and sometimes at the kids in the audience. I felt happy,content.
After we were done ,I bowed ,hugged the guys and ran off the stage.
"Fuck! I feel amazing!" I gushed,hugging Jordan ,who was standing by the amp. He laughed. Oli came off and wrapped his arms around me.
"So amazing." He whispered.
We celebrated after his set.

"I get it now." I whispered into Oli's ear . We were walking back to the bus,tipsy .
His arm around my shoulders. " Huh?" He asked. So,wasted.
I pushed him onto the bus and kissed him roughly. I was going nuts on him. He was moaning under me . I pulled off his shirt,kissed his chest and neck. In a few seconds ,I had him naked and I was just in my bra.
He opened his hazel eyes slowly at me.
"What ?" I whispered. I had my hands in his hair .
"I 'ove ya ," he was slurring .
. Fuck. I didn't like this.
He was wasted and I was too . My body was aching like I needed to stretch or something. I bursted into tears,climbed off as he ran to the bathroom. Fucked up.
He came back . "Sorry,babe." He laid his head on my lap. I played with his hair.
What was happening to us?
We fell asleep like that. I woke up first. The bus empty. I had a massive headache . I fixed some toast and tea for us. Oli groaned and sat up .
"What happened?" His voice cracked.
I sat beside him and feed him toast.
"I cried,you threw up. " I stated. He took another bite with a nibble of my finger. I giggled.
"Ya hate me drinking." He looked down at his hands that he kept unfolding on his lap.
I nodded. "And me ."
Silence fell over us . I was scared. So much happened in the last 24 hours.
"I don't why,now. I had no problem before but you said I love you and damn,I just stopped and felt sick ." I admitted. It was hard to explain. He hugged me.
"No drunk sex." He promised.
I kissed him. I was okay as long as he was.