Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me


London:Six days later

I rolled over to my side ,reached out my arm for Oli but empty.
I sat up,pouting. I walked around his apartment in fucking London. He wasn't home,no note. I was about to cry.
I took a deep breathe and found my cell phone.
No answer,I left a shaky message.
I sat on the couch and ate some Cheerios. Fuck.
By three pm ,I was crying in the shower. No calls,no text.
I called Matt and he hasn't heard from Oli either.

"He hasn't called . It's been like seven hours." How pathetic was I ? My boyfriend leaves and I'm freaking out. In my defense ,Oli never did this. The guys came over and we searched the town for him.
"He used to hid under the walk bridge over there when we were young." Tom offered ,pointing to a bridge as we walked through the park. Oli wasn't there. No one heard from him. I was left in a strange town without my lovebug.
I spent the next three hours eating ice cream and crying on my couch with Tom and Matt. They called him also,no respond.
"He lied to me. He promised. Fuck!" I screamed. The guys looked at me with long faces. I wanted to go home back to my friends ,back to home.
"I can't believe him. He's done this once to Chelsea."Matt remembered. I was hugging the unicorn stuffed animal that Oli gave me.
"He came back right?" I sniffled .
Matt nodded,"she was pissed and slept with the neighbor."
I sighed. "I wouldn't do that. I'm pissed but what if he was kidnapped or something."
Tom rubbed my back. "Um. Sure,mate."
Even his own brother knew that wasn't the case.
"I can't believe him. " I muttered.
We went out with the rest of the guys . They showed me some of their hang out spots and stores. We walked by Drop Dead.
No Oli.
Where could that little fucker be.
After the guys left,I did some workout video to focus on something else. For an hour ,I felt fine then I looked around and everything was Oli. Only a few items were mine. The candles,a few books and my clothes.
Fuck this. I watched this episode of How I Met Your Mother ,Barney's girlfriend re decorated the apartment when he disappeared. I was going to do the same thing.
Be a strong,independent woman that I am.
I started with the bedroom. Emptied the room then painted it a light pink . I planned on buying a purple bed set too.
It was late when I was done painting.
I passed out on the couch.
He needed to come home. I missed him.