Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me

Hold me close/Don't let Go

Three months later-

My heart was beating fast and quick like I just ran a race.
The guys were laughing in the main area as I stared at this stupid test in the bathroom. No one knew what I was doing. It sucked and I was scared beyond scared ,pertrified . I tried to calm myself down .
I thought about Billy's baby. How happy he was . He got me a little ring and a baby outfit. I left my life for him and he left with some bimbo. I was seventeen,pregnant and alone in fucking Texas.
"Fucking wonderful." I muttered.
I left my life for another guy. History was repeating.
Oliver didn't want kids, not now . He was a 24 year old rock star. A fucking kid would ruin everything. I would ruin his life. But he wasn't like Billy either and I reminded myself that over and over. I cried until someone knocked. I hid the test in my bag then exit the small bathroom.
It was Tony. He was always around when I needed someone. I hugged him.
"Okay," he was confused but hugged back. "You alright?"
I nodded against him. This was too much . I let go .
I went for a walk. All the memories of Billy came flooding back like a wave crashing into me. I stopped and got some ice cream.
This fucking sucked. He promised he wouldn't leave . But so did Billy.
Oli had to know. Twenty-two pregnant with a second baby. Daddy would be so fucking proud,wherever he may be.
I was crying again when I entered the bus, the guys looked up from their domino game. Tony threw his arms around me.
"I'm fine. My sister is pregnant . I'm going to be an aunt." I lied. The guys smiled and congratulated me.
"I get so emotional at this shit." I hid my tears with a laugh.
Vic gave me a concern look. He knew!
"Let's celebrate! Who has the dope?" Mike cheered ,holding the shot glass ,I gave him up. I was fucked.
Maybe ,I wasn't .
We partied. I went to bed after one. Oli called me.
"Hey,babe." He was cheery.
"Only three more days." I added. I was faking everything and felt disgusting. We talked for a few hours . He loved me but was it enough?
I played with the bracelet he gave me,looked at my tattoo. I remembered all our moments of doubt and love. The time he tied my shoe on stage. The time he told me to stay,that he love me. Even when he left or when I lied ,he stayed . We got through all those times ,this was no different.
It wasn't ,right?
Three days.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry,I made the girl pregnant. I didn't know what else to write about.
I'm not sure if there will be a sequel .