Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me

Always the One

I wanted to stay in bed with Poppy but,she had to work.
Vic couldn't sing so,she said she would. I was excited. I love watching her perform. Every song she sang like it was hers.
Tom stood beside me backstage at the show.
He spoke quietly,I couldn't hear him at first ,he moved closer
"Please,don't fuck this up. I like her and she's good for you."
I nodded. I remembered the night I came home after disappearing.
He was so pissed with me . I could never again.
"I won't. "I promised.
"That should be in your vows." He joked. Our eyes stayed glued to my future wife.
At the end,she was in tears and the guys hugged.
I smiled.
This would be difficult . We will always be apart .
That sadden me but,we've made it this far and I know we can survive.

-after -

Back in the bunk celebrating our engagement. We had only a few more nights together and I wanted to make them last.
It would be a few more months until we were home. My mum wanted us for dinner as soon as we landed .
When I told Pop this ,she smiled "I bet she's planning a party. She has like a few months too."
I kissed her plump lips .
"I can't wait to be a Sykes."
"Let just get married now!" I shouted ,I sat up and hit my head which made her giggle before kissing my head. I groaned .
Stupid bunks.
"We should have a small wedding,with all our friends in London or somewhere in between. Ya know? So,everyone isn't traveling so far ." She was exhausted and stumbling over her words.
I played with her brown hair as she explained our wedding.
This was all I need.
Poppy and music.

The end....for now
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you for reading. if this sucks ,I am terribly sorry.
I am working on a squel that will be up within a week.