Status: Story just popped in my head

Find Me


Three weeks later-

Poppy hasn't called since I left. She did text a few times. I apologized a few times ,she accepted. I asked when I would see her again,she said she wasn't sure.
She knew I couldn't wait much longer . I knew the game we were playing. Tag ,she called it.
Tag probably a wasn't the healthiest form of a relationship ;we both knew that even then but we needed it.
I called her late one night. I knew she was only an hour behide .
She answered, happily.
"We need rules if we are going to play this game." I shared. Lee overheard and gave me a look. I never was up front about anything ,I never made rules or played 'tag'.
"Okay," no hesitation ," you knew done this before?"
I shrugged. "Well,not like this. I did have fuck buddies but not ones who chased me." My heart was beating so fast.
"Yeah. So rules,what do you have."
I moved outside so,no one could hear me.
"No talking about other relationships." I started ," two,no comparing ."
"I could never compare." She said.
"Um. "
"No showing up after three for sex. You can spend the night but no sex."
I chuckled at that. "Can we have other relations?"
SHe was quiet. "We're not dating and this is random encounters,so,"I took a deep breathe. " do whomever. And if you or I show up interrupting, we must have an epic story to tell the other person. I don't want an awkwardness. So , I will ask I you are busy before showing up."
"Wouldn't that be a waste?" I questioned.
"Um. Well, I guess we will figure that out when we get there. "
I nodded .
"I decided ,I will only visit you when I am an hour or so away. Therefore,dear boy, it wouldn't be a waste."
I laughed . She was so sweet and kind. Somehow ,I was changing because of her. I guessed that was good,you know, she is so positives and engergic that I wanted to be like that.
We reviewed the rules then she had to hang up.

When I didn't talk to her, I felt empty. And I didn't flirt or hook-up with any bird which,made my bandmates worried.
For some reason,I only wanted her. We weren't dating but I wanted to be faithful regardless.