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Remembrance Of Death and Revenge

Being with my famous outlaw Uncle, Billy The Kid, is all I’ve ever known. For as long as I could remember, Billy has been the one to raise me since I don’t remember much of my mother and father but all I needed was Billy but he’s gone now thanks to fucking Pat Garrett. Pat was Billy’s best friend in the whole world and the only one, besides me, who he actually got along with. For him to shoot his friend like he did, was a real low blow. If I was in Pat’s shoes, I wouldn’t have shot him. I would explained to him about having to kill him and then arranging for something to be brought back to show the people but no he couldn’t do that. I can still remember that awful day when my Uncle was killed…

Billy and I walked into a saloon where he paid for a bottle of whiskey and we talked about the bank we had just robbed. We got away with a huge sum of money and were celebrating. I had excused myself from the table we sat at and went out back to the outhouse to get rid of the whiskey I had ingested. When I had done my business and started to come back into the saloon I could hear Billy’s voice talking to someone. I peeked in the door and see Pat Garrett with his hand on his gun and I could tell Billy was about to gun him down. Pat deserves to be gunned down for turning his back on his good friend. I watched on in horror as Pat drawed his weapon quicker than Billy and fired a shot into his body. My uncle slumped forward and then straight down to the floor. Pat took off Billy’s gun belt and threw it over his shoulder before leaving. I went over to the door at the front of the saloon and watched as he rode away. I ran over to my uncle and brought his head down into my lap as his eyes looked up into mine and he coughed up some blood.

“You’re going to be alright Billy.” I said placing my hand on his badly wounded chest.

“I know this is the end of me…just promise me…you’ll get back at him for what he…he did to me.” He coughed again and I nodded my head. Billy took one last breath before closing his eyes and died. I could feel the anger raging in my blood.

“I will Billy…You will be avenged.” I whispered before laying him out on the floor. I could hear footsteps coming towards the saloon and I went behind the bar and silently watched as the sheriff had Billy’s body taken from the saloon.

Even though I was only 14 years old when Billy was killed, I tracked down Garrett and watched him for months before I made my move…

I constantly watched Pat in this dusty old town. I learned his every move and I knew I had to do it. I watched in the saloon as he drank until he had enough before following him at a distance as he left the town to go home. I rode ahead and took my place high on the rocks where I would have good cover and an escape route in case something was to go wrong. I drew my gun as he rode closer and closer to my location. I took aim at Pat’s skull before pulling the trigger and watching him fall to the ground like a sack of heavy grain. I climbed down from the rocks and hid his body within the bushes until nightfall where the town will know that the great lawman had fallen. While looking over the body of this fallen traitor, I took Billy’s gun and fired a shot into a tree and dug the bullet out. I wanted it to look like a dead man had come back to life and shot him dead. I carefully dug the bullet from Pat’s head and replaced the bloody one with the one from the tree. I put the bullet I had shot into his head into my pocket and waited for the dead of night to come upon me.


Night came and as I drug pat through the dirt, the town was as dead as the idiot who was behind me on the ground. I went over to the sign that told the town’s name and threw the rope over the sturdy sign. I tied one end to Garrett’s neck and used my horse to pull the body up before securing the rope tightly to one of the posts. I smiled at my work and mounted my horse and rode out of town.


I rode back to town the next morning and seen that his deputies were cutting down Pat from the place I hung him. I smiled inwardly before grabbing a bite to eat and some supplies and leaving the town. There was only one place I knew where no one would be able to find me…Purgatory.

I’ve been here in Purgatory ever since and I’ve learned a lot. A lot of people were killed and the killers paid for the bodies to be taken to the Undertaker. I took bullets out of guns, money, and a pair of boots that fit me just right. To make more money for myself, I dealt in a few hands of poker where I won a Winchester Rifle and a good sum of money. I still had a few dollars from the bank robberies Billy and I did but I always liked more. I learned from a blacksmith how to make knives in any form I could. My knives looked more like daggers but they were handmade by me. Why pay money when I can make my own? One knife I made completely out of iron and carved dragons and lions out of it. I put a little compartment behind tiny iron bars that were etched into the sheath and filled it with the blood of someone who cheated me in a poker game. Needless to say, no one ever dared to try and cheat at poker while I was at the table. The blade was thick and double edged with a dragon that wrapped around the handle. The second knife I made had a smooth wooden handle and had a thinner blade but was still double edged and sharp as hell.

Now there’s nothing left in the hell hole for me so I think I’ll head out of Old Mexico and go back to New Mexico. Maybe things have changed and will give me a bigger challenge. There has to be someone out there who wants to take on The Black Jayde.
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Sorry I haven't posted any new stories on here. I've been on the new Avengedsevenfoldfanfiction site posting and I decided that I should give you some new stories as well.