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Welcome To Four Corners

I had packed what clothes and other processions I had before leaving the hotel and going over to the Stable to saddling my horse. I strapped my bag and saddle blanket on and slipped my rifle into the side holster on the saddle. I led my horse out of the Stable and mounted it before riding out of Purgatory. It’s been a good long while since I took the route I came in but it gives me the chance to look at the places I’ve been that have changed. I stopped a fork that I don’t remember being there and read the sign of 2 different names. One was a town called Four Corners and the other was someone’s ranch. I lightly pulled the reins in the direction of Four Corners and lightly tapped my boots against the animal’s side.


I entered into the town right behind a stage coach and looked around this seemingly quiet town. People either rode on their horses or walked around this town and some stared at me but I’m used to getting stared at. This town seemed to be growing with all the people that walked around. I spotted the town Saloon and rode over there. I got off my horse and tied the reins to the post and grabbed my rifle before entering. I looked around as the smoke filled the air and people were talking and drinking. A few people noticed my presence as I went up to the bar.

“Whiskey.” I said digging into my pocket and putting 2 dollars down on the wooden counter. I grabbed the bottle and glass and went to an empty table. I used my teeth to pull out the cork and I poured my glass to the rim. I drunk back the shot and poured another. It’s been a long time since I had had a good drink. Don’t get me wrong Tequila is good but it just doesn’t settle right with me. I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and my rifle and decided to get a room at the hotel for a while until I decide to move on. I left the saloon and grabbed my bag from my horse before going across the street to the hotel. The woman at the desk looked up from what she was doing and smiled at me.

“Welcome to the hotel. Can I help you?”

“I need a room for 3 weeks.” I said pulling some cash from my pocket and handing it to her. She turned around and grabbed a key.

“Your room number is 104. It’s at the top of the stairs and to your right.”

“Thank you.” I said taking the key and going up the stairs to the room. She was right about it being at the top of the stairs. I unlocked the door and went into the nicely furnished room. I sat my bag down on the bed and went over to the window. I sure did get lucky. It had a view of the street and the saloon. My stomach growled and I placed a hand on it hoping to calm it down. I hadn’t eaten since I left Purgatory. I wonder if there’s a good place to eat around here.

I left the room and went back down at the desk where the woman was putting a telegram in someone’s box.

“Miss? Can you tell me where a good place is to get a hot meal?” I asked and she smiled.

“I sure can. Right here in the hotel. Follow me.” I followed her through a doorway and seen people in there eating. The smell was fantastic. I sat down at and empty table.

“What can I get you?”

“What’s good here?” I asked looking up at her.

“The steak and baked potato meal is

“I’ll have one.” I said smiling.

“One steak and baked potato coming up.” She left me and it didn’t take long before she came back with the steak and potato. She set it down in front of me with a knife and fork and I dug right in.

It’s been so long since I had a steak and the taste is still the same. I finished my meal and paid for it before leaving the hotel. I looked around and seen a General Store. I think I’ll go there after putting my horse in the Livery Stable. I led my horse the short walk down to the livery and paid the man there to take care of my animal. I went over to the general store and looked around. I saw a jar full of small cigars and I purchased some and left the store. I stood out looking over the town and it seemed like a good town to stay in. People seem friendly and haven’t recognized who I am yet. Hell if they knew they would probably run me out of town.

“Excuse me?” I looked over and a woman stood there smiling at me. She had a little boy beside her.

“I’m sorry if I’m in your way.” I said moving aside.

“No you’re not in my way. I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new in town?”

“Yeah I just got here.” I said nodding and lighting my cigar.

“I’m Mary Travis and my son Billy. I run the local newspaper.”

“Nice to meet you Miss Travis, Billy. I’m Jayde Bonney.” I said shaking her hand along with her son’s.

“Please call me Mary. Are you staying in town long?”

“I’m not really sure. I want to see how the town is before I make any decisions.” I said smiling.

“The town is really quiet but if there is any trouble we have 7 men who protect this town.”

“Are they like sheriff deputies or something?” I asked as I walked with her.

“Not officially. My father is Judge Orrin Travis and he appointed them to be protectors of the people so to speak.”

“Oh I see.” I said nodding.

“I’m sorry to leave you but I need to be getting back over to the newspaper office and getting some work done. Feel free to stop in anytime.”

“Don’t worry I will.” I said smiling.

“Welcome to Four Corners.” She smiled before walking on with her son. This is a nice little town and Mary is the friendliest person I’ve met, except for the woman at the hotel, in a long time.
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