Step Brother

Joey (intro)

Full name: Joseph Ed Frason

So after four years at boarding school, being a good little boy, I come home to finish my last year of high school only to find out my father is getting married! What the actual fuxk! Like how can he replace mom like that? And without my consent!

I'm at boarding school trying to do the best I can do to get my fathers trust back after all the stupid sh!t I did, and I don't even get a reward? I get a mom I don't want, because no one can replace my mom.

Dad keeps telling me to give her a chance, that she's a lot like Laura (my birth mom, who died when I was six of brain cancer). That he's not trying to replace mom. My a$s! "I've been lonely," well maybe you shouldn't have sent me away for four years!

He said I'm going to have a step sister too. That I have to show her around town, introduce her to some of my old friends. Great! I have a responsibility now. The friends that still remember me are the druggies, who I don't really mind, but there the people my father tried to get me away from.

Oh, and even better my father is making me share a room with her because the guest room isn't cleaned out. Yeah, great idea. Well just have to see how this goes.