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The Time We Spent Is Now Gone

But You Hurt Me

‘We are Bring Me the Horizon, than you for coming and good night.’ Oliver screamed to the audience of little over hundred people and walked of stage with the rest of the band. ‘So what did you think?’ Matt asked, hugging me. The sweat dripping from his hair and face, disgusted me a bit, but still I let him hug me. ‘It was awesome.’ I smiled. Tom nodded as agreement. ‘Can I hug you?’ Lee asked, looking at me, hesitating. ‘I’m already covered in Matt’s sweat.’ I shrugged and opened my arms for Lee then Vegan and Curtis. For a quarter of second I managed to think that Oliver was going to approach me, arms open asking for a hug, but he walked right past me. He did give me a small and sweet smile, but that was it.

‘Oliver, that was so amazing.’ SJ’s high-pitched voice echoed in my head. Oliver and SJ have been together for almost two years now, and for those two years Oliver had been getting more distant. First when they started dating Oliver and I were just like we used to, he invited me to their band practice and we ditched school and sat on the roof. One day he brought SJ with him to everywhere he went, first the roof then to my house and from there to the practice. It was actually fun, SJ was nice and funny, for god sake she even told me she was jealous of me, but didn’t tell me the reason.
Next day I was sitting on the roof, waiting for Oliver and SJ after the lunch. But instead them being just two of the, there was half of SJ’s croup. Oliver did apologize for her and I let it go. Suddenly the bitch switch on Oliver’s blowup doll switched and she started to act like I was nothing but air. Every time I tried to have a conversation with my best friend, she came up with something urgent like surprise sex, which was her reason to interrupt us almost every time. Oliver being born into the sex, who let their sex parts think for them, went always with her. So in two years I had lost my best friend who had been on my side for a four years and it was killing me.

I stared at my best friend. He had changed so much, and I didn’t even recognize him anymore, he looked like a scene-kid which made me miss the old, round Oliver more than ever. I liked his tattoos and piercings though. As soon as he turned eighteen, he, Tom, me and SJ went to get our first tattoos. We all were eighteen already due his November birth day, well except Tom, who just tacked along so I wouldn’t have to deal with the queen bitch and my used to be best friend alone.
SJ got her chest piece, cartoon heart with diamond in it, blue wings coming from the heart and few other details. The tattoo fit her perfectly; it looked as simple and cheap as she was. Oliver got something on his neck; SJ didn’t give me any space or possibility to see what.

I think Oliver still doesn’t know what I got back then because he haven really been even near me lately. Because deer is my soul animal, I took a black and white deer on my left arm, surrounded by colorless roses. I loved it and I wanted to show it to Oliver, because this was the tattoo I had told him I would get when we made that deal about getting our fist tattoos together. I was literally shocked when Oliver asked me if I remembered the deal; of course I remembered it. I was happy that he remembered our deal, but the happiness was quickly killed when he asked if I didn’t mind SJ coming too. I wanted to tell him the truth, that I didn’t want her to come, but I couldn’t. In half year, Oliver had gotten more tattoos, simple little things on his right arm that had no connection to each other’s.

When the lads had got all their gear into the trailer hooked on my van, that I had nicely agreed to borrow to the guys if they needed a ride to venues and clubs they were playing at. Most of the time I didn’t want to go with them so I gave the keys either to Vegan or Curtis, I trusted them my van because I knew they wouldn’t wreck it. It was kind of epic sight when a twelve passenger, white van full of guys and occasionally a blonde slut, drove through the streets of Sheffield and where they ever needed to go.

‘Hey, Curtis, you can drive, I think I’m going to crash if I drive tonight.’ I laughed and handed him the keys. ‘Cheers mate.’ I pecked his cheek and climbed into the van. First seat was taken by the cunt and Oliver, next row was Tom alone and the last row was taken by Lee and Matt, leaving Vegan to sit on the shotgun. I jumped on Matt and Lee, lying on their laps, head on Lee’s. ‘Walker, get off of me.’ Matt laughed and pushed my legs down. ‘Bloody hell midget.’ He mumbled. ‘You just called me midget.’ I almost yelled. Lee started to laugh and pulled me into his lap. ‘I never noticed but Emilie is shorter than Lee.’ Tom turned around in his seat, staring at us laughing. ‘Yeah, by one inch.’ I stuck my tongue out.

‘Could you shut up, I can’t hear my own thoughts.’ The squeaky voice of the wicked witch yelled. I looked straight at her and started to laugh. ‘I guess that monkey with the plates needs to learn hit harder so you can hear it love.’ I laughed so hard that it hurt, but I wasn’t laughing alone. Matt, Vegan, Lee and Tom were laughing with me. Curtis was laughing too, but not like we were, he needed to keep his concentration on the road. Oliver’s head snapped to my direction. ‘Very fucking mature from you Emilie, keep your mouth shut, fucking cunt.’ My laughter died and my heart sunk. Oliver’s emotions disappeared from his face, but SJ’s didn’t. She had the biggest shit eating grin on her face. Tom climbed from his seat to ours, sitting between Matt and Lee. ‘I don’t know what have happened to him, but that’s not my big brother, and he will never be.’ Tom spat loudly for Oliver to hear, and pulled me from Lee’s lap to his.
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I heard you like boys who are funny