The Forgotten

Before Everything Explodes (Markus's Point of View.)

Amanda looked at the TV screen blankly, and slowly tears filled her eyes. Her Parents sat on the couch and let out a gasp. I just grabbed Amanda pulling her closer.

“We are still unsure what caused this, but we know scientists everywhere are looking at all possibilities. At this point citizens of Albuquerque stay indoors…” Amanda’s dad pressed the power button on the remote.

The air was heavy and silent for a long while. Amanda started to quietly cry, she would often worry about almost everything. All of us sat on the couch in silence, while we heard Sarah and Maddie playing in the bedroom. I just held Amanda close and waited for her parents to say something.

“Markus, I guess you aren’t going home for awhile it looks like…” Amanda’s father said.
I said nothing just tried to calm Amanda.

“If you need to call your family, you can use the landline. It seems to still be working.” Amanda’s mother said in a shaky voice.

I was a long way from home, and Sweden wasn’t just a country away; it was an ocean away. I was gone for the summer, and then people start changing. It makes you realize how fast the world can change; one second healthy, to completely falling apart.

Amanda’s parents got up, and went to their rooms. I looked down at the crying sixteen year old girl in my arms; her short brown hair framed her face, her brown eyes were cloudy with tears, and her soft lips pursed out a bit. I gave her a kiss on the forehead head and leaned back with her in my arms, slowly rocking her, and myself to sleep.

When I woke up Amanda was in my arms still sleeping, the light shown through the windows perfectly on her face. She was so fragile, and easily to be broken. I slightly lifted her up out of my arms, so I could get up and go to the bathroom and shower. When I got up I felt a little uneven and dizzy, I had a dark feeling at the pit of my stomach. I stumbled on the wooden floor, to the bathroom. I turned on the light of the bathroom, and it seemed to flicker. The small bathroom smelled of chemicals and hand soap. I turned on the shower, and let the water warm up. While waiting I looked at the mirror, looking at every feature on my face.

I hated my face, heavy dark circles were under my eyes because I am a light sleeper, and constantly wake up from every little noise. My skin was much paler than the others here, I also was very tall, and had very dark eyes no extravagant colors. Steam started to fill the bathroom and I entered the shower, the hot water felt relaxing and felt cleansing. After what the news said last night, I wasn’t sure what to make of everything.

I was visiting Amanda for the summer, she was a friend from online, and we slowly changed into something more. She was my exact opposite in almost every way. She was much more nervous about everything, and was always stressed. I on the other hand was prone to being stressed. She also thought about everything, but I would just let things happen. Although we were different, we agreed on many things which made us go together well. She was my other half, and if I was stuck here forever because of that infection I wouldn’t mind too much.