Status: Give me you honest opinions of this please :) I take constructive criticism well, so lay it on me :)

Keep Holding On

Basically the synopsis of it is Claire and Alex are best friends, Claire had been getting bullied over the past few years at school and Alex and has always stood by her and stood up for her. Being that it was their last year Claire, over the summer, has been trying to become more confident like Alex. However during the summer Alex and Claire's older brother, Harry, have started dating. Claire finds this out and goes ballistic at them both, saying she never wants to see Alex again and that she hates her. Harry takes Alex home whilst doing so they get into a really bad car accident, Harry dies at the scene and Alex later dies in hospital. Claire is totally devastated with this not only did she lose her brother but her best friend too. After the funeral, Alex's mother gives Claire a diary that belong to Alex which contained letters one on the front saying that it was for Claire. Over the course of the next few months Claire begins to see what seem to be the ghosts of Alex and Harry, they help her through the bullying and help her to become a happier, more confident person. However Claire questions Alex about the diary and all she ever says is to wait until she tells her to read the letters.
  1. It's Time.
    This is just an extract from a play I have been working on so if you guys like it I'll put more up from it :)