Status: Updated every Friday. (Our time)

In Between the Flowers


"Thank you, Mr. Casselman, we'll have your order ready by 4. Have a good day!" I said cheerfully as I hanged up. I went to the back to finish more orders that Audrey forgot to do. I wonder if Audrey delivered all the orders to the right places this time, I thought to myself.
As I worked on the flowers, I suddenly heard the door chime, that was quickly followed by a loud crash. I immediately stopped working on the arrangement and went to the front to find Audrey holding Gerard down in a headlock.
"Drey,why do you have Gerard in a headlock?" I asked
"I'll like to know as well." Gerard choked out as he pulled on her arms.
"Well, after I delivered the flowers to this idiot, he wanted to know who sent them. So he raced here to get our customer's information." she chirped
I turned to look at Gerard, but he was looking at everything else besides me. "Really Gerard? You know that I can't give any information about customers." I sighed
"I know, but this is a special case. Someone sent me flowers confessing their love to me and I need to know who it is!" Gerard whined
"Oh my god, that person has to be out of their god damn mind to have feelings for you, Gerard." Audrey said
Gerard turned to glared at her, but quickly turn his attention back to me. "So can I take a look at those order forms?"
"Ah... no Gerard, it's against the policy." I said as walked to the back of the store.
"But Frankiieeee..."
After two hours of Gerard complaining about how I'm destorying his future love life, he finally left dejected. I was almost about to finish the last order, when I heard someone cleared their throat.
"Don't think I don't know what you're doing, Frankie."
I looked up to find Audrey leaning against the threshold, looking at me like she knows that...
♠ ♠ ♠
Lol, surprised we got it done! Been keeping our Friday promise so far, that's good, lol.

~Ghost & Pansy XO