Status: Finished

I Hope You Like the Stars I Stole for You

Chapter Seventeen- Stay Away From My Friends Part Two

After about forty-five minutes of watching the guys scramble around and get everything ready, they finally started to play. I had to admit, they were really good. They only had a few songs written so far that they remembered how to play, but Vic told them about how he had a lot more lyrics written down since then, and they started to actually write songs then and there. It was interesting to watch the whole process unfold, and they had some great ideas. Tony and Jaime started worked the song part of it, and Vic practiced his singing more. I had never seen either Vic or Mike like this, so relaxed and content. They both looked like they belonged doing this, and it made me proud of them. I was still desperately curious about their past, and I was itching for the chance to ask him. When it started getting later and later, I fidgeted more and more. The song writing and guitar playing finally winded down, and we ended up all just sitting around talking. The guys were all catching up, and when everyone else was busy, I pulled Vic closer and whispered “Why did you have to move ?” The whole room went silent.

There was pain evident in Vic’s eyes when he looked back at me, and no one else said anything. He glanced at Mike, “I’m telling her.”

He took a deep breath, and the others watched his reaction. He scooted closer and turned to face me “One night, early in the summer before junior year, we were all out roaming the streets. It was pretty late, and we shouldn’t have been out.” He gulped and glanced at Jaime. “A bunch of guys cornered us and started starting shit, you know, talking smack. Well one of them shoved Tony, so Mike stepped in. Then of course I stepped in, I mean, he’s my little brother. Jaime stepped in for me, and then we were all being pounded. There were five of the other guys, so the fight wasn’t fair. They were really whaling on us, beating our heads off the concrete, punching us over and over. A couple of the guys *he swallowed* had uh, knives. Then they….they um,….well, they stabbed me. They put a few cuts up on Mike and Tony too. We were all lying in the street, in the dead of night, with no one to help us. Mike crawled all the way back to our house, three blocks over, bleeding like hell, just to get help. The ambulance came and I was…I was…” Vic choked up. Mike looked at me solemnly. “Vic was already almost gone. He died in the ambulance, but obviously they revived him. He got the worst of it- a broken wrist, a stab wound, three broken ribs, a concussion and a broken collarbone. I had a few slash marks, a broken rib and a concussion, Tony had a fractured shoulder and some bruised ribs, and Jaime had a broken arm and a concussion. We all had black eyes and bruises everywhere, and we were all in the hospital for weeks. Our parents were all really close, and it was especially hard on them, it was like having four sons in the hospital. Not to mention we almost lost Vic…” The room grew silent once again, and all four boys stared into space, remembering. I felt horrible for bringing it up, but I was glad I knew. I looked at all of them, “I’m sorry…” I whispered sincerely. Vic pulled me closer and kissed my cheek, “It’s okay babe.” His hand stroked my cheek, and the others looked away awkwardly. “can I have some time alone with the guys ?” he asked me softly, his eyes pleading. I nodded, “Come to my room later ?” he nodded in agreement, and I left in silence, trying to process everything I’d just heard.

I got home and noticed I had a text from Jack, it read – “LSD and trace amounts of potassium chloride.” I texted back quickly, “What ?” jack replied, “That’s what your drinks were spiked with.”
I dropped my phone on the floor in shock, potassium chloride could kill you. It often poisoned people and made it look like they had a heart attack…and LSD ? I could go crazy with that stuff in my system. I started panicking to myself, on information overload. I could only handle so much bad news in such a short amount of time…I desperately wanted to turn to my blade, but I couldn’t let Vic down, especially after what he’d told me. I couldn’t imagine the hell he’d went through that night, and having to move away from his best friends and give up his dream. It made my problems seem pretty pathetic, and in turn, made me seem pretty pathetic as well.
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Here ya go guys !