Status: Finished

I Hope You Like the Stars I Stole for You

Chapter Twenty-Four- I Don't Wanna Be Here

Vic sat on top of Alex, punching the daylights out of him. I was yelling at him to stop, but he didn’t seem to take any notice of me. His doctor pulled him off, restraining him as he struggled. Vic looked at me, his eyes pained. “Vic !” I stepped closer to him. “There is no baby. “ “Wha-” he started, but he was cut off as the doctor dragged him back in the room, closing the door behind him. A nurse helped Alex up and lead him to a room. As soon as she left, I snuck in with him and locked the door. “Alex ! What the fuck ?!” he hung his head, ashamed. “I’m sorry, I-I… I had a crush on you, but now that I’ve kissed you…I’m sorry, but I didn’t feel anything. I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, and I’m sorry I messed things up…” I felt bad for him, his face cut open and bleeding and his nose gushing. He was a good friend to me, he had just made a mistake.

But that mistake had probably cost our friendship, Vic would never let me be friends with him now. I couldn’t hurt Vic and pull the “Alex was there for me when you weren’t card” so it looked like things had just gotten ruined. I sighed, “Alex, I-” The nurse cut me off by ushering me out of the room. I was banished into the waiting room. I sat there for a good hour, staring blankly at the white walls, feeling nothing. Finally, Vic’s doctor emerged again, approaching me with a stern look. “Now, Pruitt. Vic wants to see you, but he can’t get upset like that again, understand ? And your visit will be supervised by his nurse. I’m going to fix up your other friend now. Behave.” He motioned toward Vic’s door, and I cautiously made my way over to it.

Vic was eagerly staring at the door, and he leaned forward as I entered. “Vic ! Let me explain !” I pulled a chair up to his bedside. “Is it my baby ?” He blurted out to me, eyes wide. “What ?!” I screeched. I spoke softer, “Of course it would be ! You’re the only person I’ve….you know. You’re the only person I’d want to with ! I love you, Victor.” He looked so relieved, and I was really confused at this point. “I thought…I thought you said that it wasn’t my baby, when we were back at your house. That’s why I freaked out and ended up here….and then I saw you kissing Alex and I thought…well I thought it was his baby.” I sighed, “For the record, you saw Alex kissing me, not the other way around. But no, Vic, I said it WAS your baby. But it doesn’t matter now, because THERE IS NO BABY. The drugs that were in my system from the party made it appear to be positive. I took the test because I knew we’d had sex and because I kept throwing up and feeling sick. But there is absolutely no baby, I’m not pregnant.”

Again, Vic looked almost relieved. Honestly, I was too. I had enough in my life without adding teen pregnancy to the list. “Vic, Alex has been a good friend to me. I called him when you were passed out because I didn’t have anyone else to turn to, and he kept me calm and reassured me when you were being worked on by the doctors. I told him about the pregnancy and he urged me to see a doctor, and without him, I would still think that I was pregnant. He kissed me without thinking, okay ? He didn’t mean to hurt you, he just….he had a slight crush on me, but he told me that he didn’t feel anything during our kiss, and I definitely didn’t either. You’re the one I want, Voc, and his crush is gone. He didn’t mean it, okay ?”

Vic got defensive, “Why are you sticking up for him ? Why do you feel the need to defend him so much ? Is it because you two had something going on at that party ? because I’m sorry about that night, Pruitt, and you know it. Goddamnit !” He was starting to get angry, I could see it and so could the nurse. He took a breath and lowered his voice, “I wish you’d never fucking met him. God, sometimes I….I wish that I’d never met YOU either.”

My heart dropped in my stomach. Had he really just said that ? My eyes filled with tears, and the pain in my chest felt like a stab wound. “Wh-what ?” His eyes showed no remorse for what he’d just said, and I shoved my chair back, standing up. “Fine Vic. It’s over.”
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If you can't already tell, this fic is set up to be pretty long, haha. Well I'm writing the next chapter right now, should I post it tonight or tomorrow ?