Status: Finished

I Hope You Like the Stars I Stole for You

Chapter Thirty- If I Ever Catch The Ones Who Hurt You....

In the morning, we were all woken up from a phone call from Alex’s parents. They had gotten too drunk last night and had just decided to stay in a hotel. In their drunken state, they had accidently paid for two nights, so they would be staying another day and night there. Alex hung up the phone and walked back into the living room, where we were all still laying around. He was whooping and hollering, and someone threw a pillow at him. “What is it Alex ? God, just shut up, it’s early.” Alex glared at Mike “One, this is my house. Two, it’s noon. And three, my parents are gonna be gone all day and night. AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANNNSSS.” Jack got up and they started dancing around. I cracked up, I was the only coherent one besides those two. I tried to get up, but Vic grabbed me and pulled me back down. I settled for sitting up, and he put his head in my lap. I stroked his hair, and he sighed contentedly. Alex and Jack were furiously making plans, trying to decide whether to have a lazy day or throw a big bash.

“Who’s up for a part-aaaayyy ?!” Alex asked. Jaime, Tony, Jack, and Mike all cheered. I shrugged, and Vic stayed silent. Jack called two more people over, guys by the names of Zack and Rian, and all the boys started to plan a big blowout. Vic and I lounged on the couch, tangled together but not saying a word. I listened to everyone else’s excited chatter, and called my parents. They had no problem with me staying with friends for another night; they were just glad I was branching out. We all ran around buying alcohol and cigarettes and stocking up on food and party supplies. Once all the valuable items in the house were put away, it was about time for the party to start.

Vic hadn’t said much the whole day, just stayed close by my side. The guys kept eyeing him, keeping a close watch and I knew he was getting annoyed. But honestly, I was still worried about him too. I liked the group we had going on though; Mike, Tony, Jaime, Alex, Jack, Zack, and Rian, plus Vic and I, of course. I was a little nervous to see who all would show up at the party, but I kept a cool exterior. Suddenly, the doorbell rang- the party had started.

It ended up being a lot like the party the night I first met Jack and Alex. Tons of kids from Crestwood showed up, and a few from Ridegway, but none that I recognized. I stayed with Vic and trailed behind the others, mingling but keeping a distance. Finally Vic asked to be alone with me, and we took some alcohol upstairs with us and locked ourselves in Alex’s room. We sat in the dark by the open window, blowing smoke out it and downing our alcohol. The brisk air coming in brought me to some realizations- the fall was ending quickly, Thanksgiving was in a week. This year was almost over, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. So many things had happened this year, especially since I’d moved here. Maybe the new year would bring another fresh start.

“You know I love you, right ?” Vic suddenly asked me. He didn’t wait for an answer, just pulled me in for a long kiss. He trailed kisses down my neck, “Because I do. I love you so much Pruitt.” “I love you too, Vic, more than anything.” He smiled at me, “I’m so sorry for everything, babe, I really am, but I’m going to be better for you. I’m going to spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I promise. And I’m not going anywhere.” A tear slipped down my cheek, “Oh Vic. You had me so scared.” His smile faded, “I know, I know.” He held me tight against him. “You’ve been taking care of me for so long, now it’s time for me to take care of you.

Suddenly, a group of guys burst in, ruining the moment. I didn’t recognize any of them, but they sauntered over to Vic and I. One grabbed me roughly by the arm, yanking me up. The alcohol on his breath reminded me so much of my father, and I was terrified. The two others had Vic pinned in the corner, while he fought to get to me. I was being dragged roughly out of the room with a rough grip. I fought back, but the alcohol was clouding my system. Vic started yelling, but no one else could hear over the thumping music. I looked wildly around for anyone I knew that would help me. What was this guy’s problem, anyway ?

The guy was big and muscley, and he was grinning in my face like an idiot. He tried to kiss me, but I shoved him away. He pinned me against the wall, and I started yelling in terror. “Shut up you dumb bitch !” he said roughly, smacking me. I pushed him off me and lunged away from him, just as Vic emerged from the bedroom. I reached for him, but the guy who had grabbed me pulled me back once more. He pushed me forward, hard, and I went flying forward- right down the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not really as an exciting of a chapter, sorry guys ! Damn, I can never let Vic and Pruitt be happy, can I ?!
Comments please ? I've been pouring my soul into this story !