Status: Finished

I Hope You Like the Stars I Stole for You

Chapter Eight-A Gun Made of Gold

Pruitt’s POV

I told myself that Vic just got caught up in whatever he was doing, that he would be here before the end of the day to walk me home, with a huge explanation and an apology. But still, I couldn’t help but be a little mad at him. I’d thought he was the one person who would never let me down….
After the day I’d had, this was not what I needed.

After fifth hour, I walked to my locker only to find a sticky note with “Slut” written on it stuck to the door. I ripped it off, sighing. I grabbed my stuff quickly and rushed out of school, desperate to get away. I still waited for ten extra minutes outside, in case Vic showed up, but of course he never did.
My dad was coming down the drive toward me as soon as I arrived home. He yanked me by the shirt collar and dragged me inside. My mom was there for once, and I couldn’t believe she was letting him touch me right in front of her. He tossed me on the couch. “First, you skip class. Then, you come home ten minutes late. What the hell is wrong with you ?!” My dad’s voice got lower and louder, and my mom just stood by, wringing her hands. “I’m sorry.” I muttered, honestly just done by this point. “Oh, you’re sorry.” He laughed bitterly. “Hear that Grace ? She’s sorry.” “Just go upstairs honey.” My mom said, obviously trying to help the situation. I followed her orders, happy to be alone.
I spent the night staring at my phone, waiting for a text or call from Vic.

The next day, Vic wasn’t at school.

Or the next day.

Or the next.

Not even the day after that.

On Friday, I was beginning to think Vic never existed.

The bullying got worse every day, and I had no one to save me.

I sat down to lunch, glad that the week was over. Emma looked at me weirdly, and I looked back, puzzled. She cleared her throat, “Um, we don’t want you to sit with us anymore…” I stared back at her in shock, noticing the others nod as she said this. I got up and left the table, leaving my lunch.
I didn’t say a word the rest of the day, I just let people throw things at me- more drawings of me, more notes calling me obscene things. I walked home alone like I’d done every day this week, but this time something was different. About thirty seconds into my walk, someone shoved me forward. I ignored it, hoping the person would go away. They shoved harder, and I turned around to face a dark haired girl I’d never seen before. She pushed me down onto the lawn of the school, and kicked me harshly in the side, then simply walked away. People nearby were actually laughing.
People I didn’t even know were starting to bully me now, as if I needed that. At least my father had started to calm down a little, he basically just ignored me now. My mom acted the same toward me, but she was still never around. Today she was going out with my dad again, so I would have the house to myself.

I went up to my room immediately, dumping my stuff on the ground and just letting the events of the day hit me. This week had been horrible- just last week everything was looking amazing, but now I was depressed more than ever. I had thought I was getting out of this hole of depression, but now it only swallowed me deeper. I cried silently to myself, turning up my music. A tiny thought appeared in my head, and I raced downstairs, digging through junk drawers. I pulled out the object I was looking for with satisfaction and raced back up to my room. I sat on the bathroom floor, breathing heavily. I rolled up my sleeve, pressing the razor to my wrist. Was I really about to do this ? I closed my eyes, and ripped it across my skin.

I sucked in a breath, the pain was mind-numbing. I had created such a pretty, thin line of red on my skin, but the way I did it had splattered the blood on the wall next to me. I wiped away a tear with the other sleeve and cut again, shallower this time, right underneath the first. One more and I was done. I watched them bleed for a while before I changed into pajamas- long sleeve of course. I climbed into bed, exhausted and praying that I wouldn’t wake up the next day.

It was the middle of the night and I was confused at why I was being pulled out of bed. My dad had hold of my wrist, yanking me up and out of my bed in a blinding movement. It was dark and he was holding onto my cuts, and nothing was making sense in my groggy state. He was yelling because I had left my music on by mistake, and it was loud. I rushed over to turn it off, and he backhanded me in the process. I stayed on the floor until well after he left, whimpering to myself. The one thing I wanted right now was Vic, God, I wanted to see him more than anything. I didn’t know it was possible to miss someone this much, probably because I had never really been close to anyone before. So what, he was just going to come into my life and make me love him and then disappear ? I realized what I had just thought- that I loved him. And I truly did.

Vic had given me so much bliss, had kissed me and then just went away without any warning. He had probably moved onto someone better and more deserving, just like I knew that he eventually would.

Everyone does.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Okay, I know these past couple chapters haven’t been as much about their relationship, but I’m trying to show what both of their lives are like, it will eventually fit in the story. Next couple of chapters will probably be Vic’s POV and things will start making more sense. Please just stick with it for now, I love you guys.