‹ Prequel: High School Rocks

High School Blows


Bryan waited in the principals office for what felt like forever. He felt like he was being tortured. Instead of keeping him in this office why can't he be in class working? Or better yet, why don't they just kill him? People have been telling him too many stories to give them and he doesn't know if he wants to tell the truth or lie. He's not a good liar.

"Ok Bryan" Mrs. Sanders came into her office. "Let's make this quick i have many more students to see today"

"Ok" Bryan said. "What do you want to know?"

"First off, what happened on that night?"

"Well...i was called into work so i worked all night until 9" Bryan said.

"How'd you end up at the party?"

"Joe told me there was this party at Mike's and that we should have a bro's night...our bro's night consist of fun and merryment with me, Joe, Sean, Ross and Leena"

"Oh...seems fun...what else?"

"So I was elected designated driver for the night" Bryan said. "Not because we planned on drinking but because It was my car we took there" he explained. He decided to tell teh truth. "When we got there we saw alcohol but we stayed" he said.

"Did you drink?" he couldn't lie.

"Yes i did"

"Who else was drinking?"

"I'm not going to say. I'm saying i was drinking" he said again.

"So...did you try to drive home drunk?" he knew she was looking at pictures of him getting into his car.

"Yes i was going to" Mrs. Sanders gave him those harsh eyes. "Before you lecture me i decided not to, i went inside the house again. I planned on finding a sober friend of mine to drive us"

"Who could have driven you?" she asked.

"That's not important...any other questions do you have for me?"

"Who brought the alcohol?" she asked.

"That's a question i can't answer...because i have no clue"

"Ok, that's all i have for you" Bryan faked a nice smile. He started to stand up but she had something else to say. "why didn't you go to the dance, again?"

"I had to work" he said.

"You worked all afternoon?"

"Working gets my thoughts off of Sohee"



"Leena's on the case, if anyone can find out something by harassment it's Leena" Joe said. "So i have faith by the end of the week we'll have someone to fuck up"

"Has she told you any leads?"

"Nope, Kyle, Mike, Matt and her have it all wrapped up. They don't want anyone to know. I believe they're closing the case"

"We're not in fucking criminal minds, guys" Ross said. "Even if we do know who ratted us out...we can't do anything"

"Yeah we can" Sean said. "We're getting suspended from games anyways"

"Good point, i have nothing to lose" Joe said.

"I wanna know what happens to people like Dakota, he's not on a team so what happens to him?"

"If Leena gets suspende she'll be pissed. For drinking!" Sean exclaimed. "She never signed a contract against drinking"

"Good point. At least she'll have time to have fantasies about Dakota" Joe said. After he said it he wanted to take it back. Sean was smiling but then h was like: wtf.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just making jokes"

"She's having fantasies about Dakota?" Ross asked.


Sean sighed.


"AM i your last interview for today" Ross said as he entered the office.

"Yup" Mrs. Sanders said. "Take a seat Ross" Ross sighed as he took a seat across from her. "Are you ok?"

"I'm having a shit week"

"Tell me about it"

"Well..." he started. "The dance sucked friday night, my own girlfriend didn't go because she's anti-social, that night i broke up with her because i want a fun girlfriend" he started. "Now she's pissed at me but i'm young and i want to be free and fun. So then i went to Mikes for a party where i did not drink because i'm an athlete and i hold to the standards set to me" he lied. "The cops busted us and ruined everything. Now my mom hates me, my dad's fuming from millions of miles away and then just five minutes ago my friend told me that one of my best friend's girlfriend who is also my best friend is having thoughts for another guy!" Ross exclaimed. He took a deep breath in and out.

"Ok wow" she said. "That covers all the questions i had for you"


"Hello Sean" Mrs. Sanders said. Sean saw Ross on his way out of the office, he looked depressed. "Let's make this quick" Sean sat down. "I just have a few simple queestions...water?"

"No thanks"

"How are you doing"


"With school?"

"COuld be better"

"So wanna tell me about friday?"

"Well" Sean started. "I was hanging out with Leena and then Joe told us about this party so Bryan picked us up and we went"

"Were you drinking?"

"Nope" he lied. "I'm not into that" he smirked.

"Was Leena drinking?"

"Yes" he said.

"Was anyone else in your 'gang' drinking?"

"Joe was" Sean added. "They were drinking alot"

"Who brought the alcohol"

"Don't know"


"Guys" Leena arrived at Ross' house for bro's night. "i was called down a second time for an interview. She said someone told her i was drinking" she put her things. "Did someone confess?"

"I mean...i did" Bryan said. "But just me"

"I lied to her face" Ross said.

"She hasn't called me down yet' Joe said. Sean shrugged.

"Who blabbed then?" Leena asked.

"In the pictures you can see the alcohol but it really would take a backstabber to tell her whether or not you were drinking" Ross said.

"Well Kyle and I are meeting up later. We're wrapping this case up" she said.

"Who is it?"

"Don't worry about it for now"

"Puh-lease, if you kow who did this to us i wanna fucking know" Bryan said. "Because my parents hate me...i liked it better when i was lying to them"

"You'll find out by the end of the week" Leena told them. "By friday i promise i'll tell. It's just..." she paused. "We have plans for her"

"Her?" Ross asked.

"We'll tell you later"


Maria looked at Mrs. Sanders. "Tell me the truth, jsut tell me" she said. "You won't be in trouble for being honest. Trust me plenty of people confessed to drinking. So i'll ask again. Who brought the alcohol?"

"Kyle" Maria blurted out. She can't believe she did that to him. "Oh my god" she muttered.

"Kyle?" Mrs. Sanders asked. she wasn't suspecting him. Kyle said he wasn't drinking and didn't show up to the party until the cops had arrived. Was he lying? He did have an extensive permenant record.