A Beautiful Life


She lay on her bed, replaying the dream that she just saw.
It couldn't be considered a dream because it was more of a flashback into her life right from the day she was born.
Of all those memories, there were three that were closest to her heart. The first was of the day she was born. Her mother always told her this story about that day:

"He held you in his arms tenderly," She started, " while I rested on the hospital bed. He never let go of you. He used to admire your blue eyes, your soft skin, your black hair. He always used to whisper things to you, hoping you would remember them someday when he was long gone.
There was one thing though, that always stuck in my mind. He used to say, 'You will go through ups and downs in your life. You will want to give up and break down. But always remember, whatever happens, life is, and always will be, beautiful for you. You will have friends that you will keep for life and you will find the man of your dreams and together you will conquer many a problems and on the way you will learn to forgive, forget and love.' "
Every time her mother told her this story, her eyes glistened with tears.
Yes, she missed her father dearly and loved him with all her heart. But she knew that she had to learn to live life without him,she had to achieve everything he thought her capable of.
The second memory that came to her was of the day her father left them for the first time:
She was playing in the backyard with her dog, Rusty, when she heard the loud commotion.
She ran and sat under the kitchen window, hoping to understand what was going on. She was 10 then and she knew that something like this was coming soon.
"How could you? She is everything to you and this is what you do to her?" She heard her mother accuse her father.
"Yes. She is everything to me and I love her more than I love anything but that is exactly why I need to keep her away. I know I'm going to end up hurting her and you but I need to do this. I'm leaving and I might never come back. Please take care of her for me and tell her that I'll always love and and wherever I am, I am thinking of her and her only.," her father begged his wife and then walked out of their lives.
She didn't cry or react to all of this because somewhere in her heart, she knew that he'd come back for her.
She never cried when she thought about that day because she was right and he did come back one last time.
It had been 7 years since he had walked out of their lives and she knew and hoped that he would come back one day. Her wish came true on the day of her 17th birthday. her father was back.
He came to her and told her he wanted to talk to her. She led him to her room and they sat down together.
" Happy birthday ma petite ." He wished her and handed her a box filled with all the memories he had of her.
She took it silently and kept it aside.
Somewhere in her heart, she knew that this would be the last time she was going to see him.
She took his features in.His bluish green eyes that sparkled with wisdom and love, his now Grey hair that told her how much he had aged over the years, his dull clothing and last, but not the least, his never faltering smile that told her that he always had and will love her.
they exchanged no words that day but they had spoken enough to let the other know that they were loved.
The next day, her mother received a call that told her he was shot and he was dead. They both cried for hours but she was content that he had led a full life and he had never forgotten her.

" Honey? The girls are here to take you shopping!" She heard him call out to her.
She hadn't realized she was crying till she broke out of her thoughts. She hastened to wipe her eyes and get off of the bed as she knew that he would enter the room soon.
She was right. He came in and stood by the door, taking in her beauty.
They had met a few years ago in college and had fallen in love with each other instantly.
He smiled at her and motioned for her to leave with him.
She nodded and while leaving the room, turned back to look at it one last time.
Her Father was right. She was leading a beautiful life just like he said she would.
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I posted this on my old Mibba account too. I don't really know what came over me but I deleted that one. Now that I'm back, I felt the need to put this up again.