Status: currently have writers block but these chapters were all pre-written.


Outnumbered 2

A week after that day, more people started coming up missing mysteriously or becoming hospitalized with an unknown illness. Bobby was dead. The officer I spoke to, Officer Wayland, took the liberty of coming to my house to tell me the news.

Maybe the disappearances and illness were linked to Bobby. But most of the people who were missing or sick were people Bobby and I didn't even know. So what exactly was going on?

"Maybe the missing cases are all at random." Gerard, my best friend since 6th grade, had said when I was with him at the grocery store. He was going shopping for his mother who got a cold from being out in the rain all last week. She was a weather reporter.

"Yeah, but that's too many missing persons cases in the state of Kansas to be random. The people are from our town! Seems more than random." I replied. Nothing seemed to fit together. "If there was a kidnapping involved with any of this, who was the suspect and what might be their motive?"

"Good question." Gerard said nodding. "And then there's the case of the mysterious bug everyone's catching."

"This just feels creepy. Like I've seen this in some kind of horror movie. There's missing people and a mysterious illness."

"Perfect plot for a poorly written movie."

"I'm serious, Gerard. I'm scared something might happen to someone else we know. That means it's closer and closer to getting to one of us..."

"Maybe we should leave town." he suggested, looking up and down through the aisle full of spices and seasonings. He inspected one spice and then put it back on the shelf.

I pondered on the thought of the situation being like a horror film. Missing people and an unknown illness.

"Maybe that's the kidnapper's motive." Gerard said in a low voice, inspecting another bottle.

"What?" I asked confused.

"To make a scary movie out of reality. Maybe he or she is a sick fuck who likes horror films. He or she is kidnapping folks, making people worry and think strategically, and then returning them sick with something they created." he explained.

"...I don't like that idea at all." I said terrified. My heart began pounding and I stared at Gerard with wide eyes.

He smiled and walked down the aisle, checking the grocery list his mother gave him.

"What do you think this unknown illness does to people?" I asked, still feeling creeped out.

"I really don't know, Marceline. Maybe they'll find a cure before it even gets to us."

"I hope."